‘Man Up’ … or put the frock on Over the weekend a fellow - TopicsExpress


‘Man Up’ … or put the frock on Over the weekend a fellow marketer enquired about the database I have available (trafficmegastar/471/ ) and one or two questions about direct mail. Here’s some of what he wrote: “Rob, I’ve got my website sorted, I’ve got a squeeze page and a back end product, just now want some advice on driving traffic. How will direct mail work for me, and will it drive traffic to my website” Feeling generous, I found time to reply: “A direct mail campaign posting an A4 teaser letter directing people to your squeeze page will bring you traffic. You could also send an A6 postcard and again direct readers to your website. If you posted 471 letters you should get at least 150 views to your site and looking at your squeeze page, you’ll get around 60 new subscribers. Write a few decent email promotions to these 60 people and you should generate 10 orders for your £97 product. You can then use the same direct method again and again. Hope this helps, Rob” He came back with: “Thanks Rob for your expert advice, I’ll discuss it with my wife tonight and let you know”. What!!!! He’ll discuss his marketing campaigns with his wife FIRST … and let me know. I was in a bit of a mischief mode, so fired back this message: “It’s good that your wife can offer you some expert advice on marketing, what does she do for a living btw?” He replied: “Oh, she just works part-time on a Tesco checkout”. I’ll tell you now … I’m SO proud of meself for having SO much self-control and NOT saying what I really wanted to say. So I replied (in a VERY self controlled manner): “Okay, let me know what your wife’s decision is”. This morning a message was waiting for me: “Hi Rob, talked it through with the wife and have decided to just concentrate on SEO as she thinks I’d get a better response, thanks anyway” Talk about needing to ‘Man Up’. I’ve never discussed any of my marketing plans with my wife … in fact I’m sure she doesn’t really understand what I actually do while locked away in my garden office for hours each day. But, I find that this ‘talking it through with over half’ happens more and more. Why would you do that? You are just asking for trouble. See, I’ll guarantee that 99.9% of your ‘well-meaning’ family and friends will put the ‘dampeners’ on any marketing plans you have … or even (shock horror) running a business. Just the way must people are – risk adverse and accusing everyone that they are “not living in the real World”. The ONLY people you should be discussing your marketing campaigns with are fellow entrepreneurs … people who run a business, experienced different marketing methods and can give you guidance as to what works best. You’ll not find this advice from ‘wifey’ … or ‘hubby’. Look I’ve been in the direct response business for 20 years now so I know a bit about what works and what doesn’t. Now, would I still be using direct mail after all those years if it didn’t work? No need for an answer… tis obvious. It’s a tough (marketing) World on the internet, but offline, marketing is really blooming. You can give your business a boast with the use of 471 names from my customer list. These come with unlimited rights – which is very rare for a list. I’ve just 2 databases left, so don’t hesitate any longer, once they have gone, the website will come down. Here’s where to go right now: trafficmegastar/471/ Robert (back to normal ‘British Pale’ colour) Evans P.S. Remember Sara (AKA One half of ‘Awesome Couple’) and her birthday treats from hubby Scott? Scott posted on his Facebook about “their week of fun and frolics” GIVE. ME. STRENGTH! It’s just one plonker spending too much money on someone who turned 38 yesterday (Sunday). Anyway, I’m sure you are gagging to know, what “fun and frolics” they got up to since I last spoke to you. Here’s goes… Friday they went to a comedy club – even though both don’t show even an incline of having a sense of humour – well they never laugh at my jokes! Saturday it was (another!) trip on the Thames for lunch and then a meal in Covent Garden in the evening. And Sunday (the actual birthday) they went to Henley and enjoyed Champagne and Oysters by the Thames. Me and Mrs E reckon Scott spent the thick end of 2 grand last week on the lovely Sara. Nice eh? I bet it’ll be a boring week for Sara this week!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 21:21:47 +0000

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