Man Who Assassinated NYPD Cops a Muslim Convert Who Posted - TopicsExpress


Man Who Assassinated NYPD Cops a Muslim Convert Who Posted ISIS-Cited Koran Passages Online by Brian Hayes | Top Right News ABC News, The New York Times, Right Wing News, Jews News,, Fox News, 9 News, Bent cop news, ABC News 24, BBC News Magazine, The Advocate newspaper, The Sydney Morning Herald -, Bible Endtime Articles & News, CBS News, Seven News, ABC News Breakfast, BBC News, New York Daily News, Australian Crime News..... Jihad in Brooklyn? Muslim-convert Ismaaiyl Muhammed Brinsley murdered two cops in cold blood in Brooklyn today as revenge for Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Most disturbingly he posted a section of the Koran with a key passage: Suggesting he would “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah.” This passage is the exact passage cited by ISIS months ago, when they urged Muslims in the U.S. and Canada to carry out assassinations of soldiers and law enforcement officers. That fatwa was followed by Canadian convert jihadist Michael Zehaf-Bibeau when he fatally shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo, as he stood guard at the War Memorial on October 22th, just two days after another Canadian solider was mowed down by a Muslim’s car in Ottawa. If there was a radical Muslim connection to the Mike Brown/Eric Garner revenge motive, it would not be the first. Hamas terrorist supporters marched on the Brooklyn bridge last weekend: And one of the principal leaders of the Ferguson protest movement is “Palestinian” radical Bassem Masri, who we exposed on video threatening police officers and their families last month before riots exploded: “You will never be safe, never in your life. None of you. Not you, not your children – none of you will be safe.” Without question, a terrorist threat. So where was the FBI or Eric Holder’s DOJ to take action? They were too busy race-baiting against White cops. The same cops who were murdered today in a racial hate crime, and now a possible Muslim terrorist act. Now that is bad .... High Court, Chief Justice Robert French, Justice Kenneth Hayne and Justice Dyson Heydon, Sheik Man Haron Monis because they agreed a section of the Criminal Code contradicted the constitution. So they let the scum free because writing abusive letters to dead diggers was allowed! HE had been married three times, has four children and a teenage stepdaughter, but hadn’t held down a job for more than a decade. Martin Place gunman Man Haron Monis abandoned his first wife and two children in Iran when he fled that country in 1996 and arrived in Australia on a tourist visa to seek political asylum. His second wife, Fijian ­national Noleen Hayson Pal, 30, died a horrific death in the stairwell outside his unit in Werrington in Sydney’s west last year when she returned to collect their two children, then aged seven and four, from a custody visit with their dad. She was stabbed 18 times, had fuel poured over her and was set on fire as she pleaded with her killer to stop, screaming: “No, I’ve got kids”. Monis, 50, was charged with being an accessory before and after the fact to his estranged wife’s murder. So The Most Hated Man in Australia what do we Australian, NZ, USA, UK Canada all nations that face terror attacks do now? The government is playing silly buggers and the United Nations are blaming Australians calling us racists ... Strange Islam/Muslims are a Religion toprightnews/?p=7644
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 05:04:59 +0000

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