Man and His Spiritual Nature In Christianity, there is other - TopicsExpress


Man and His Spiritual Nature In Christianity, there is other things we get to understand, Jesus said , I am the way , the truth and the life, no one come to the father but by me. So we have come through the way by Jesus Christ, Our religiosity has affected our talking because it has affected our thinking and so we pray with our understanding of Christianity through our religious background Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christianity is not a religion , Christianity is a life, a life with God, Living a Christ like life on earth, Having the God kind of life inside you that normally called the eternal life, this life is spiritual and if this life is in you; Christ is in you now and you are in Him. Jesus is representing you in Heaven and you are representing Jesus on earth. So you do things or function in the name of Jesus Christ because you represent Him on this earth and you do it through fellowship with the Holy Spirit God is a Spirit , Man is a Spirit and Satan is also a Spirit, God and satan has a spiritual body and Is only Man which has a physical body and spiritual body because man is in the physical world, For the physical body help man to touch and handle things on earth Man is the image and likeness of God , this means man is the photo copy of God. God was in the Spirit world and He created the physical world, So the physical world( Earth) you see now is inside the spiritual world. God came to earth and created the Spirit Man in his image. So Man was a spirit in God and God knows without a physical medium ( Body) the spirit man can not touch and handle the things on earth or feel, Remember when God was creating , God did not touch any thing, God called it to be, God said ‘ let there be light and there was light, let there be sea , animals and there was. So that means God created this world without touching. Everything that God created, there was life in it, example trees, sea, animals, Man etc. But God formed a Body on earth for Man (which God has created in Him) using the dust of the earth. So there was no life in the body which God has formed because the body was not the man He created, the body God formed is the medium or a house which Man will use or live in on this earth, So the body makes it legal for Man to live, touch and to handle things on earth. So God breath Man into the body He has formed and the Body became living being and He told Man to dominate the earth He has created, that is why when God want to do something on earth, He use Man, God comes into the body where man dwells, and also when satan want to destroy something on earth, satan also comes into the body where Man dwells and destroy, the body gives satan the legal right to operate in the earth because he is also a spirit and without a body of Man of animal , he also can’t have control in the physical earth You have to understand that Man is a Spirit, man has a soul and live in a body so the real you is a spirit, Your beautiful physical body is not you, your physical body you see is were you live, your physical body is your home , you dwells in your body , So all the time that you looks in the mirror, you are looking at your house and not you, brother and sisters in Christ , if you have a large body that a big house hahaha and opposite . so your body is your house , you live in your body, you are the custodian or the care taker of your body. Your eyes are your windows. The problem people have got is they will forever look through the window of the house without knowing what inside the house(your body) , What they know is what outside the door( the physical world), always they look through the window but never looks inwards or inside them. That the way you like when you always depends on your optical eye and never knowing what is in your Spirit(you) You up to look inside, Find out what is in the house, So look inside you and is only the word of God that can show you who you really are because your physical eye can not look inside of you, you get to use the eye of the spirit to look inside you. So understand Man or Human beings is a Spirit, He have a soul and live in a body. Man is not a physical being ,He is a Spiritual being but He has a physical body. And that is a knowledge you get to understand as a child of God. There is something you have to understand about Sickness, when a person have a cancer and have develop a large grout and the man feel pains in that area of his body, the cancer that you see is not the sickness, that cancer you see is the result of the sickness, Sickness can not be seen because sickness is spiritual, all the pains , all the weakness, all that lose of appetite that He may feels are the result of the sickness. Sickness or dieses can not be seen , so when you say the man is sick; yes he is sick but you are describing the result of that presence of that sickness , so the doctor treats the result of that thing ,the effect of that thing ( sickness), the doctor said it was cause by some virus or bacterial , come to think of it , what is that something that it presence is in that bacterial of virus that made the man sick? That you get to understand why Jesus talk to sickness, Sickness has intelligence , when Jesus meet a man who was blind ;Jesus talk to that blind spirit to get out of the man and the blind spirit obeyed and came out. Jesus also meet one who was deaf and Jesus address the spirit causing that deaf, Jesus said deaf spirit come out and retune no more and the spirit obey Jesus, Jesus talk with authority as a God to the blind spirit and that spirit has no option to get out. For the Father gave all authority both in Heaven and on earth to Jesus The bible says God is the father of all spirit both Man and the devil. Is God who created the devil and Man so God knows what is in Man and what is in the devil So what the doctors called it virus or bacterial; Jesus calls it spirit of infirmity , you have to look at the spiritual nature of Man and understand it. All the knowledge that was gain from the high schools or the university have come to us through the senses and that is a limited knowledge , that is the reason the doctors can say the man kidney has failed and there is nothing we can do, either he get a transplant or he dies. And then a Christian full of the Anointing(Holy Spirit) walks to the same man who the doctor says is impossible for him to live, the Christian will say in the name of Jesus be healed and the man is healed and life comes to the man again, where is that life came from ? Man is a Spirit and his problems are basically spiritual , So what are seen in the outside is the result from the inside and only the word of God that can give a person a true life There are soo many people who’s life are based of the senses , sense knowledge but life is more than that, That the same reason a Christian can lay his hands on someone who has HIV and that virus will go, how can you explain it, there is no medical way to explain. Salvation is to the spirit of man and only the word of God that can enlightens the spirit(man) . you can’t see until the word of God enlightens you, unless the spirit of God opens your eyes, the word of God opens your understanding. Child of God open your heart for God Spirit ( Holy Spirit) to come to stay with you in your body to direct and controls you and He will makes you a success all the time
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 12:28:01 +0000

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