Man, does THAT sound like West Virginia, or what? This war of - TopicsExpress


Man, does THAT sound like West Virginia, or what? This war of unprecedented-scale chemical aggression is creating new, unlikely heroes every day, and in every state. I think that’s our challenge, too. We’ve been living so long under the tyranny and abuse of the fossil fuel industry that it’s come to seem normal to us. We have never experienced life without it. So, when a Texas-based gas company buys our lakeshore in order to store vast quantities of explosive hydrocarbon gas in the old salt mines underneath—imperiling drinking water, the climate and everything in between—we don’t know what to do. All we know is that Big Oil and Gas has always had its ravaging way with us. We can’t find the path to victory; we have to CREATE it. -Sandra Steingraber ecowatch/2014/11/26/steingraber-boland-released-jail/?utm_source=EcoWatch+List&utm_campaign=40f00e7eda-Top_News_11_26_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_49c7d43dc9-40f00e7eda-85906205
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:46:28 +0000

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