Man is not what he is: he can be more. Man is not finished: man is - TopicsExpress


Man is not what he is: he can be more. Man is not finished: man is a growth. Man is the only animal on the earth, in fact in the whole of existence, who is dual. Other animals are not dual: they are what they are, hence there is no problem. A tiger is a tiger, and a peacock is a peacock, and a dog is a dog. With man there is something special. That is the glory of man, if we understand it. If we dont understand it, this becomes the agony. Man is not what he is: he can be more. Man is not finished: man is a growth. Man is the only growing being in existence, the only evolving being in existence. Man is a potential and much has to become actual in him. And unless we start transforming our potential into the actual, our life will remain empty. The seed is empty. If the seed remains a seed it will remain in anguish; it will not feel the joy of fulfillment, the contentment that comes when the seed has become the tree and the tree has bloomed. Man is a seed -- the seed of God. Man is the only animal who is an unfinished product. Nature has brought man to a certain point, and from that point man has been made responsible. Now man is responsible for his growth. Nature cannot do any more; whatever was possible through nature has already happened -- it has brought us to the threshold. We have to take the further journey now if our life does not take the quality of adventure, of search, of enquiry, we will remain empty. We will remain empty as long as we hang on to promises made by religions, of promised lands, of salvation simply by belonging to a sect or a religion. We will remain spiritually starved. Dont take yourself for granted – that is the problem, exactly that is the very crux of the problem: We take ourselves for granted, We think as if we are what we are supposed to be. Man is a paradox. Man is not what he thinks he is -- man is far more. Mans capacities are immense. In fact, there are no limits to mans growth. One can go on and on and on... It is an infinite journey. There is no goal! There is a beginning of the pilgrimage but no end. To know God is to know that life is an eternal pilgrimage. What is the meaning when we say God is infinite. You can go on attaining, but you can never say that now the dead end has come. This is the beauty of existence -- it goes on giving us more and more opportunities. When we have climbed one peak, another peak starts giving us challenges. The misery of man is that he thinks he is what he is supposed to be. He thinks that he is already that which he can be.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 06:40:34 +0000

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