Man is split. Schizophrenia is a normal condition of man--at least - TopicsExpress


Man is split. Schizophrenia is a normal condition of man--at least now. It may not have been so in the primitive world, but centuries of conditioning, civilization, culture and religion have made man a crowd--divided, split, contradictory.... But because this split is against his nature, deep down somewhere hidden the unity still survives. Because the soul of man is one, all the conditionings at the most destroy the periphery of the man. But the center remains untouched--thats how man continues to live. But his life has become a hell. The whole effort of Zen is how to drop this schizophrenia, how to drop this split personality, how to drop the divided mind of man, how to become undivided, integrated, centered, crystallized. The way you are, you cannot say that you are. You dont have a being. You are a marketplace--many voices. If you want to say yes, immediately the no is there. You cannot even utter a simple word yes with totality.... In this way happiness is not possible; unhappiness is a natural consequence of a split personality. Who else? Osho
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 18:43:40 +0000

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