Man made yes, but beautiful energies nonetheless... Many people - TopicsExpress


Man made yes, but beautiful energies nonetheless... Many people dont like writing about man made crystals/stones. But today Im writing about Opalite and my reasons will become apparent as you read and relate.... Many people I know or have spoken to, have at least one piece of Opalite in their possession, and it was one of the first stones they ever purchased. But why? Opalite is the trade name for opalised glass. Its opalescent beauty attracts those who have no knowledge of crystals and their origin or, in this stones case, their manufacture. Is this a good thing - Someone choosing this stone for its colourful beauty without knowledge of how it was produced? Of course it is! Somewhere in the receivers mind was an intuitive bond when sourcing this particular stone. Chosen for its mesmerising beauty and apparent warmth when held, Opalite had the purchaser enthralled in an instant... From this small energy of intuitive bonding one might move on to another pretty crystal close by, and then want to know more information about both... Its the start of a beautiful journey for both crystal/stone and owner. Children, in particular, love the glow from an Opalite Angel or Heart... The tumblies grouped together, that radiate such beauty... An awesome way to introduce the young into the beautiful world of crystals. This piece of glass turned sparkly may well be man made, but Im guessing many have started their crystalline journey with this particular piece of colourful glass. Glass is an amorphous (non-crystalline) solid material, but is still naturally occurring, in the form of volcanic glass, aka obsidian, so will still therefore have healing properties both spiritual and emotional. Opalite works well with the Third Eye/Brow Chakra improving communication with the spirit world. It boosts psychic abilities through its origin of being glass, looking through, seeing into etc. Emotionally, Opalite aids change and transition, again the feeling of movement through phases in ones life. It can uncover hidden emotions and bring forth an awareness of self expression. Opalite IS man made, but its creation, in my eyes, was one for an introduction to the beauty of our real crystalline world. [I would warn, as there are varying forms of Opalite on the market, to pick a stone that appears glassy cold to the touch, then warms... Rather than one that feels warm and milky (plastic) to the touch, as this more likely has plastic additives!!] Crystal Blessings
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 07:10:14 +0000

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