Man-to-Man Ministries International Gen. 2: 7, 24 Glory to the - TopicsExpress


Man-to-Man Ministries International Gen. 2: 7, 24 Glory to the incomparable God! We acknowledge God who we can know through Christ. You dont need another idea to the human crisis. Jesus Christ is not only he who came and died on the cross, He is God: “of his fulness have all we received” (John 1:16). He says, I am he that liveth! In Revelation, chapter 5, we see the twenty elders and the beasts bowing to Jesus. We honour and celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ today! Today we lift up the majesty of God over this 83,000 square miles of this nation. The Georgetown Ministers Fellowship (GMF) decided that tomorrow we will lift up the name of the Lord over Guyana. We are leding off on this. The Bible does tell us that: “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (I Tim. 2:1-2) We want to connect with a national song. The person who wrote had a connection with God and a burden for God - Hymn For Guyanas Children: With humble hearts and heads bowed down In thanks for each new day of toil We kneel before Thine altar, Lord The children of Guyanas soil. Great is the task that Thou hast given; Thy will to show, Thy truth to find; To teach ourselves that we are one In thy great Universal mind. But not in vain well strive to build A new Guyana great and free; A land of glory and of hope, A land of love and unity. [ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION, ONE DESTINY] O children of Guyana, rise, Rise up and sing with happy tears; And bless the land that gave you birth, And vow to serve her through the years.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 13:27:06 +0000

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