Man up tip of the day- Is eating saturated fats causing you - TopicsExpress


Man up tip of the day- Is eating saturated fats causing you health problems, or is this misinformation that has been put to the public with financial gains to be had, let me say this twice so it sticks there is no solid evidence to support the idea that Saturated fats cause heart health problems, there is no solid evidence to support the idea that Saturated fats cause heart health problems. In my years of research in the mine field world of nutrition, I still find it very difficult to believe that the government and health care system are so way off the mark when it comes to there guide lines for there so called balanced diet or worse yet, the food pyramid which in my view and many other leading professionals the pyramid would be more accurate upside down. Im not going to waffle on too much about how I think my views on how the modern western diet is way off, instead I will give you this short video to watch from the world renowned organisation Ted Talks, that has some of the world leaders in their respective fields talk and host an array of topics. Please watch this short video, simply and brilliantly put, based on facts, because it could change your view on how you perceive fats and could dramatically improve your health. Remember to like and share the posts to keep informed. #manuptips #manup
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:00:29 +0000

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