Man walking on sidewalk espies grasshopper about to jump, so what - TopicsExpress


Man walking on sidewalk espies grasshopper about to jump, so what are you doing there, little fella says the man, looking for greener pastures says the ghopper but there is nothing much that way so far as I can see says the man, so what, says the ghopper, its not winning that is the point but how the game is played, oy vei, mutters the man as he walks away with the ghopper trailing behind.... soon the man encounters a fierce army ant patrolling the colonys morning route.... excuse me, sir, politely states the man in his most pleasant morning coffee soaked voice.... the army ant voices no response but moves quickly on the attack and the man sidesteps the parry but the ghopper cannot, woah, yells the ghopper, you got me into this, now help me out, but the man keeps on walking knowing full well that the ghopper can do a nifty jump to escape this peril... at a turn in the sidewalk the man espies a mosquito busily penetrating his sock... dang the man exclaims you guys are such pests why are you always seeking to suck my blood, why dont you pick on someone else for a change... nope, replies the pesky bug, you have B+ blood type and that is our favorite tasty treat, nookers on you bud, are you serious the man inquires, about favoring certain types of blood over others, I thought that was just a myth, with that he began feeling an intense itch where the mosquito had surreptitiously managed a good deep bite, dang, dang, dang the man exclaimed while reaching down to scratch away his torment, but to no avail, it itched fiercely and intensely, with no intention of abating, and by now, to added angst, the goofy ghopper had finally caught up to him (minus a foreleg or two), must you follow me the man inquired, no, but I am going to follow you anyway, the grasshopper snarly replied, totally unaware that he was now being closely watched by a sneaky creeping big daddy longlegs brown spider, so busy was the man watching this interplay that he was struck by a passing bicyclist, tearing his business suit pants leg and scraping off a good line of skin, dang the man yelled, you guys are not supposed to be riding on the sidewalk, but the bicyclist was thrown off his seat landing in the street, just sitting there holding his bleeding scalp wound, oblivious to the car heading over the hill in his lane and approaching fast, as he was about to run out and pull the biker to safety, the man observed a red breasted robin cocking its head to the ground to listen for the crawling sound of big fat earthworms, yo, the grasshopper yelled, do you think that dumb bird is so preoccupied he will not notice me if I crawl past yeah, the long legged brown spider enjoined, what do you think our chances are, go back and ask that mean army ant yells the man in reply and leave me alone, okay, he adds mostly in lament, but now two men are standing by their car and smoking foul smelling carcinogenic cigarettes, the man gives them an angry stare, cursing them under his breath for nothing is worth than secondhand cigarette smoke ruining your morning walk to work, at last, the man turns his attention to the bicyclist whose left hand was apparently run over by the fast passing car which failed to stop, oh quit your whining the man yells to the cyclist telling him that he is dialing 911 as they speak, rather than stay with the injured cyclist until help arrives, the man continues on his ill fated journey, upon finally arriving at his office and entering through the door, he is greeted by a dedicated hard working always responsible and cheerful employee who truly is irreplacable and worth her weight in gold, good morning, how are you doing, you look a little peaked, are you all right, she rapidly states in her soft yet firm way of speaking... FU the man grumbles and goes and sits in his office chair, nonplussed by this rude brushoff, the lady screams, omg, we have bugs in here and a stupid bird too, at this she turns and scoots to her own office down the way and calls the janitorial service, who promptly get rid of the insect entourage while allowing the bird to fly out an open window-- on turning on the TV to get the morning business news the man sees that the injured bicyclist was hit by a dump truck and horribly killed just as his mother and two sisters arrived on the scene to help, the man is numb to their incessant pleas that anyone with information as to how this happened please call them or the police, his office administrator has joined him in watching the news and seeing his torn pants leg, scraped skin and oozing of blood, she inquires of him, you were there, right, you know what happened right, are you going to call the police and tell them what happened, the man looked at her with scary scowl and she hastily added dont worry, I wont say anything to anyone, here get your trousers off and I will sew them while you wash off your leg, upon returning and reclaiming his sewed pants, the man looked strangely at his office assistant and said I just cant get by the weirdness of this day unless you make love to me here and now, the office assistant cringed upon hearing these words as they were so out of character for her boss and also she had a fiance whom she would never in a million years betray, but she also needed this job, unable to decide what to do, she called her mother and then her fiance, both of whom came rushing over to the office as fast as they could, on his way over, however, her fiance tripped and fell over a shovel left on the sidewalk by a construction crew and was taken to the hospital which could not revive him from the deep coma the concussion from the fall had caused when he hit his head on the high curb, in the meanwhile the office assistant gave into her bosses demands and now felt she could not work there any longer, upon her mothers arrival, she was informed that her fiance was now in a coma in the hospital, overwraught, the office assistant attempted suicide and is now in a psychiatric ward under observation, and the man has closed his business, fired all the other employees (some of whom are witnesses) and is planning to leave the state. Now, class, you have five minutes to read all the cogent facts. Afterwards, please hand in the fact sheet and then, from memory of the facts given, discuss in succinct analytical detail the duties of each individual mentioned above, their liabilities, if any, under applicable civil and criminal law, and their potential defenses thereto. Your answer constitutes sixty (60%) of your overall grade but you have only thirty minutes tops to finish this assignment. Get to it and good luck.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:56:16 +0000

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