Man whadda day! Queen Procastinator waited until the last minute - TopicsExpress


Man whadda day! Queen Procastinator waited until the last minute for prescription refills. I called my chatty new pharmacist pal, and he wasnt there. The last time I was there, he only had 12 of one of my meds, and said he had to charge me for all 60 to give me the 12, and hed owe me the rest. I also gave him 2 prescriptions that I didnt need filled right away and asked him to keep them on file. The woman I was speaking to said she had no record of him owing me 38 pills, and couldnt find my prescriptions. I asked if she could call him, and she said he didnt work there any more. (He told me he hadnt been paid in ages because the small pharmacy chain had a huge theft, so he probably quit.) Needless to say, I was fuh-lipping out. She said shed honor the pills, and shed get my doctor to call in another prescription. She called me back to say everything was ready, but when I got there, she once again said that she couldnt find anything about my already having paid for the pills. Luckily, the assistant picked up the bottle and pointed at something, and the pharmacist said, Oh, it says right here on the bottle, OK. Sigh. I knew I was going to the grocery store I dont usually go to because its closer to the way home from my doctor, so I had grabbed a flier before I left the house. On the way, for the first time in the 6 years Ive lived here, I stopped at the fruit/vegetable stand Ive been driving by. An old woman (I should talk) came up to me and asked if she could help me. I told her I was just looking to see if there was anything I could afford, because even though I got a $23/mo. cost-of-living increase, my rent increased $25, so I had to make the most out of my food budget. She held up a finger, went over to a bin, picked up 3 HUGE beefsteak tomatoes, and said shed give them to me for 59 cents because they had defects. Then she said I could have a pint of strawberries for a buck, and said not to worry, that shed help me out where she could. I picked out a few things and went to the register. She went over to the casher and whispered the lower prices to her, and said something else I couldnt catch, which appeared to have been discounts on some of the other items since my total only came to $4.19!!! The cashier grabbed a card, punched a hole in it, and handed it to me with my receipt. I asked her what it was, and she said every time someone comes and spends at least $10 they get a hole punched, and when the card has 10 holes, you get $10 off your order! I must have been looking at her quizzically (since I hadnt spent $10), and she leaned forward and said, I wont tell if you wont. I got to the grocery store and realized I hadnt eaten all day and was starving. I knew in the long run it would be cheaper to grab a meal out then to shop on an empty stomach, so I went to a sub/pizza shop in the plaza with the grocery store, and ordered a turkey melt for $5. Turns out they have a different idea of what a turkey melt is than I do: They put turkey on a small pizza crust, melt cheese on top of it, and fold it in half. It was MUCH more filling than I expected (so I only ate half), but theyve got no business calling it a turkey melt! I opened up the flier to see what was on sale...but the sale had expired Tuesday. Sigh. However, when I went in the store, tons of stuff was on sale for $1, or 2 for 1, so I grabbed a few things. (Unfortunately, the juice I pay $2.49 for at Walmart was $3.99. I was excited as I approached it on the shelf because there were tons of stickers under the other V8 Fusion flavors saying they were marked down. But not mine.) The store is one of those that tells you how much you saved, and I saved $8. Yay! With my receipt, she handed me a store scratch ticket. I was ready to fall over, so I waited until I was in my car before scratching it off. I won a box of 10 Tyson chicken sandwiches! I was too tired to go get them though, so Im going to have to save it for next time. I was thinking that, all in all, at least the day ended on a good note; then I reminded myself that the day wasnt over yet, and I should knock on something. Sure enough, I took the bag with the tomatoes and strawberries in it out of the trunk, it slipped out of my hand, and they went flying. Oh well, a little dirt wont kill me. I loaded my hands/arms up with as much as I could carry, then began walking towards the door. Oops. Ive lost so much wait my clothes are all too big, and I had to yank my pants up several times in the store when they began slipping off. But now my hands were full, and the pants were determined to fall off. I made it to the front door, and as I began to set down one of the bags to open the door, they fell down. Bah humbug! At least I had a long shirt on. How did I ever find time to have a job? Im ready to slip into a coma.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:36:52 +0000

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