Man, what a year it has been!! 24 was a crazy year of growth, - TopicsExpress


Man, what a year it has been!! 24 was a crazy year of growth, challenges, victories, and insanity!! Thank you all for your awesome Birthday calls, posts, emails, texts, instagrams, youtube videos, and more. In the last 365 days, so much has changed. What a year. I am a totally different person. I started making a list of my year, and it caught ME by surprise. God has done so much in and through me over the last year, and truly shown Himself faithful in every area of my life. From finances to health to learning more about how I am wired and who has put in my path (you all). A quote that sums of my last year, and the last 25 years of my life, is Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Teddy Roosevelt. This is not what I think about each day - but what I operate out of each day. Living in comparison and frustration about your situation will get you NOwhere. Do what you can with what you are given - and work hard and press in when its not ideal, and be grateful everything in every situation. As it says in Zechariah 4:10, Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. I never could have imagined that life would be where it is, but man am I blessed!! Its not always been easy, but its been a blast! I hope that you will not just read this and think: Kyle is insane - Although some think I am :) ... I want you to challenge yourself to think where God is calling you and what things He wants you to accomplish for His Glory. While I am extremely blessed, He wants to bless you too if you will just let Him lead you. Also - for anyone who is wondering, 1990 was a SOLID year - just check this out: thechive/2015/01/02/random-peoplethings-turning-25-years-old-in-2015-20-photos/ Over the last year - I.... - Established my photography business as an official LLC! I am exciting that I am launching the business officially this spring! - Began federal paperwork for Rooted to become an official nonprofit/501c3 (Rooted is he ministry that I started in 2012 with amazing friends) - Left an incredible church in Houston called the429, to transition to Hope City (new church plant in Houston!) - Changed jobs at Phillips66 from a financial analyst to a Project Manager for the Marketing Department - Served as the District Manager for the last remaining Phillips66-owned Gas Station in the US (nothing like running a gas station and being on call 24x7) - Travelled to Oklahoma more than 15 times for Rooted, recruiting, and football on normal airlines as well as one trip on a multi-million dollar private jet (talk about traveling in style!) - Visited over 10 cities in the US - including LA, SanFran, San Diego, Fayetteville, NYC, Dallas, KC, Seattle, Portland, and more! - Went home for Thanksgiving + Christmas to see my awesome family!! - Attended both Passion Houston with some amazing people! - Moved from Katy, TX to The Houston Heights to be near friends, church, and good food. - Got in a car wreck that totaled my awesome SUV and messed up my neck (but am healed now!) and purchased a 2015 black Jeep Cherokee! - Purchased new photography gear to shoot more events and photobooths - Photographed over 150 jobs - events/weddings/engagements/families - Served as the special events coordinator for Houston Alumni - Attended some amazing concerts, rodeos, and more with the best people! - Helped 2 artists release their work to the world via itunes, launch parties, concerts, and more! - Celebrated with countless friends at weddings (16 to be exact) - Worked backstage at Hillsong Read several amazing books (Boundaries, The Rest of God, Death by Meeting, and Manage Your Day) - Meet and grew relationships with some of the best people. I love my community of friends in Houston and would not change it for the world!! - Most importantly, I grew in my faith and understanding of God and who He is to me. Aside from such an awesome year, The last 25 years have brought lots of experiences! I have - Traveled to 17 countries - Graduated from Oklahoma State - Gone skydiving (my first shoot didnt work, lucky the emergency one did) - Swam with sharks - Camped in the outback - worked a total of 8 part time jobs in high school and college - Learned to surf - Fundraised for numerous nonprofits - Served as a student liaison for the Embassy of Australia - Worked at Phillips66 - Met Shaq, Tony Blair, Steve Forbes, Jimmy Fallon, Jason Aldean, Hillsong leaders, and more - Studied Chinese for 6 years - Travelled to almost every major city in the US Aside from all of this, for those who are still reading....I am pumped about launching a church with a group of amazing people that I cannot imagine doing life without! Check it out: https://facebook/yourhopecity This year I am going Nicaragua to build a water well with Living Water and go visit friends in Hawaii or Alaska! I also want to read a ton of books, visit a ton of friends, go to a ton of weddings, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy life more than ever before! God is so good. I am so excited and expectant for what is coming in 2015!! Its a good year to be alive and an even better one to be 25! I am so thankful for each and every experience, person, and project that God has brought my way to shape and mold me into the person I am today. Love you guys. #LetsGOOOO #MakeYourDaysCount
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:04:13 +0000

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