Man who axed women given life imprisonment in Lea. "THE national - TopicsExpress


Man who axed women given life imprisonment in Lea. "THE national court in Lae sentenced a 58 year old man to life imprisonment last week for the brutal murder a woman. The court heard that Willie Wafi of Harua village, in Yanggoru district of East Sepik province, allegedly sought revenge on the 46 year old woman for the death of his son in 2010. Justice Gabi, when sentencing Mr Wafi, said violence against women is sadly all too prevalent in Papua New Guinea and the prevalence of this kind of offence calls for a punitive and deterrent sentence. “I am mindful of the fact that the prosecution has not asked for the death penalty,” he said. “The multiplicity of injuries shows that it was a violent and vicious attack and a horrendous death for the woman.” Mr Wafi heard rumours the woman’s son had killed his own son and he sought revenge for the killing. On May 16, 2010, at around 3:40am Wafi and a large group of men went to the deceased’s house at Raicoast compound and surrounded it. The 46 year old mother was approached by the group, and one of them asked where her son was. Before she could answer, Wafi swung a bush-knife at her head injuring her. He swung the knife again, this time chopping her fingers off. He then pushed the deceased to the ground and put his foot on her neck, holding her down. The court heard that an unknown man carrying a home-made gun entered the house where the deceased’s daughter was with her baby. He ordered her to leave the house so they could burn it and its contents down. As the daughter was leaving with her baby, she recognised the murderer. “Hey, mi save long yu, ya,” (Hey, I know you) she said. He immediately swung his bush-knife at her. She dodged the bush-knife and lifted her left hand to shield the baby. His blow severed her left forearm, leaving it hanging by the skin. She ran into the nearby tall grass and lay on top her baby. The prisoner then chopped her on the head, fracturing her skull, and on the back as well. He left her there to die. The daughter however gathered strength to stand up and seek help. She saw her house had been burnt to the ground. She got some first aid from a community member at about 5am and then was taken to the hospital where her injuries were treated. The mother was taken to hospital and a post-mortem revealed she died from severe multiple head injuries. There is no credible evidence linking the death of Wafi’s son to the murdered woman’s son." Source: Post Courier Jina Amba
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 06:34:07 +0000

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