Man you got to wonder about this church stuff is it legit or what. - TopicsExpress


Man you got to wonder about this church stuff is it legit or what. I mean you got some stuff going on that would make you go hmmm. Take for instance why is it that when it comes to the images of Christ that for the most part He is White. Now we are told to make no graven images but we make them according to who? You have Simon of Cyrene of Libya in Northern Africa that help to carry the cross for Jesus was a black man or dark skinned man but in pictures that are painted he is a white man. The you have Moses and his wife. Why did Moses sister have a problem with his wife, what was the deal with that, was it not because she was a dark skinned woman but again in pictures or movies she is a white woman. Then you have Solomon wife among many who was a women of color but when pictures or movies are portrayed of her she is a white woman as well. Why is this image of Christ of one color when he came to die for the Sins of Man of every color and why is it that in biblical history it is the majority white but this is not true when you look into history and see that people of color are all in the scriptures from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Why have the scriptures as well as history been tampered with to oppress and remove the identity of a people by removing their importance only to make you look as the superior race. Why is it that in movies or even T V that the image for the most part is white, your major heroes in movies are white. Why is it that when blacks are in a movie they are again for the most part the first to die. Why if they are in major movies they are few in number. Oh you have a few of them that are in some major blockbuster movies but few in comparison. You take the little rascals where all the kids are white but one called buckwheat and just look at the name. Look at the positive and negative on a battery, why is it that positive is red, being white because thats what happens when they get made they turn red. Then you have the negative being black, negative now. The image is not one of equality but inequality. History does not want people to know the truth about the dark skinned man and his real role in life and who they really are. Why are they viewed as being enslaved and oppress? What have people done by rewriting history to cater to a race more dominant then another only to be in control of how far they go. Even religion is prejudice against the truth concerning the role of blacks and Gods plan for their lives. The image their is even white when it comes to biblical characters, man its cant all be white. What are people afraid of, is it the truth about blacks from the time of Noah till now that is being disfigured to make one race less then another. They say black is beautiful but the image that is portrayed is not one of beauty. Why the cover up in scriptures to make one race more important then another. Do you not know that blacks are mention more times in the scriptures then given credit for and not as slaves but in prominate positions used by God. This post is not design to incite anything but to bring a reality that somebody or somebodies dont want you to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The plan is the destruction or genocide of a people to make room for a more perfect race. You can cool believe that those that are behind this historical mastermind to remove all that do not measure up are white and they are the elite that have sworn in secrecy to play along until the final count down. When you look at history among presidents that were assassinated and civil rights leaders for the most part they were for the equality and fair treatment of the African American. Hey why even call them Americans when this very country has lied to them about their true heritage. Hey again believe what you want but the lies and deception that surround history is for real because when it is all over it is White America and they are going to let you know it. Voices Crying Out N The Wilderness Email : Cryloudandsparenot@gmail
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:00:54 +0000

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