Management of SLWACO Drums Support for Expansion and Sustenance of - TopicsExpress


Management of SLWACO Drums Support for Expansion and Sustenance of Water Supplies in Lungi By Hassan Bruz Northern Bureau Chief The age old adage that ‘water is Life’ need not be over emphasised. Its importance continues to be quite crucial in the ongoing fight against the spread, control and eventual eradication of the Ebola Virus f. It is an open secret that water is increasingly a far more basic commodity for those undergoing Ebola treatment. I understand Government is so much mindful of this fact that it has charged the Sierra Leone Water Company [SLWACO] with the responsibility of providing Safe and Pure Water Supplies for the consumption of People in spite of one’s location. But it would appear there are certain challenges that have compelled the limitation of these services to some Communities. Lungi in the Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom is one of those Communities where there is a reliable service for the Supply of Water. Certainly the reasons cannot be unconnected with it vantage status as the host to the only International Airport as well as its proximity to the National Capital of Freetown. As in the case of most other Communities, the Beneficiaries to this facility are often reluctant to own up to the required responsibility. Many are basking in a pattern wherein People would only wish to be serviced without performing their side of their corresponding responsibility which is believed to contain the potential to frustrate efforts and debar the much needed service. Mr. Alusine Bangura is the Finance Officer at the Lungi Branch of the Sierra Leone Water Company [SLWACO]. He said the principal function is to enhance the supply of water to the Kaffu Bullom Community through Pipe burn and Bouncer. He said the Station supplies water to Sucktar, Kamara Street, Old Port Loko Road, Thunlun, Parts of Masoila, Sierra Leone Airport Authority and its Environs. He said the Station has also assumed the responsibility of supplying water to Ebola Quarantined Households and Isolated Community. The Finance Officer told the Sierra Leone News Agency [SLENA] in an interview that the Lungi Station source its water supply from Sanda, Banda and Sucktarr Pumping Stations, adding that Water is being provided on alternative days- about 3 to 4 times a week. He said his Management however has problem in terms of revenue collection as only the Sierra Leone Airport Authority [SLAA] , the African Minerals’ Company Limited and a few other Institutions are cooperating ,noting that the bulk of the Beneficiaries were yet to cooperate by paying their Bills regularly. Responding on some of the strategies through which such payments could be effected, Mr Bangura said, he has been and will continue conducting sensitization meetings even at a house to house level until they realise the need to pay for their bills . He said even though SLWACO is there with a mandate to supply water at an affordable cost, the People should as well be prepared to pay for such services. The Finance Officer said it is only when People are willing to pay for the service rendered to them that his Management would be able to expand its Network and sustain operations. Below is the Photo of the Finance Officer-Alusine Bangura......
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:58:04 +0000

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