Managing Osteoarthritis Knee Pain Most osteoarthritis knee - TopicsExpress


Managing Osteoarthritis Knee Pain Most osteoarthritis knee pain sufferers know that exercise is a crucial part of treatment. Unfortunately, many get caught in whats known as the vicious cycle of knee pain. Your knee hurts, so you start avoiding activities and exercise, which can lead to weight gain and more knee pain. How do exercise and knee pain relief go hand in hand? If all the benefits of exercise could be put into a single pill, it would be the most widely prescribed medicine in the world, says Dr. Nicholas DiNubile, an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine. Dr. DiNubile responds: Overall, exercise is wonderful for joints with osteoarthritis, but not all exercise is created equal. In general, patients with knee osteoarthritis should employ lower-impact, aerobic-type activities such as walking, cycling, elliptical training or water-based exercises. Of all the options, I think cycling is one of the best for helping to build your thigh muscles. Walking is also good, but it may be too difficult for individuals with advanced osteoarthritis. Instead, I recommend even using a stationary bike or elliptical machine.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 13:54:48 +0000

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