Managing Stress The 6th November is National Stress - TopicsExpress


Managing Stress The 6th November is National Stress Awareness day and UCA Chiropractors are sharing tips on how to reduce stress and help maintain a balance of health. The spine and posture are important factors in the ability of the body to cope with stress, and a healthy spine and nervous system can help to manage stress more effectively. Everyone experiences stress on a daily basis due to the modern world that we live in and the increase in demand for our time and attention. Stress, in its negative sense can be defined as an imbalance of bodily system(s) due to excessive stimulus that upset normal functioning and disturbs mental or physical health. The most common symptoms of stress include headache, backache, fatigue as well as cardiovascular disorders (high blood pressure) digestive problems and sleeping difficulties. Stress Tips Recognise Stress - Acknowledging that the fact that you are feeling under the weather may be a reaction to too much pressure. Know yourself and your limits. Set Priorities - Examine what in your life is causing your stress. What can be changed to help you introduce a better balance between work, social life and home life. Set priorities each day (no more than 3) and make a separate list for long term things to be addressed. Learn to say No - This is not a sign of weakness. It is easy to say yes and difficult to say no but in the long run, doing less will benefit everyone in your life. Learn to Relax: Yoga - can be effective in reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure and heart rate. The concept behind all relaxation therapies is the relationship between mind and body; when the mind is restless and agitated the health of the body will be affected Meditation - can be extremely effective in that is slows the breathing rate, increases oxygen consumption, creates a relaxed brain rhythm and increases blood flow. Exercise - make time to exercise regularly, not only is it good for your health, but exercise can also make you feel good too. Exercise decreases the stress hormones such as cortisol and increases endorphins which are the bodies natural feel good chemicals. Diet - avoid caffeine and food additives. Reinvigorate your diet and gradually introduce healthy fresh whole foods to your daily intake. Sleep - Sleep is an important resource that keeps you healthy, mentally sharp, and able to cope with stress more effectively. Make sure that you stop doing mentally demanding work several hours before going to bed - give your brain time to calm down before you try to sleep. Try reading a calming, undemanding book for a few minutes, again to relax your body, tire your eyes and help you forget about the things that are worrying you. Indulge Yourself - If you are unable to take time off work or have the resources for a holiday then find a way to indulge yourself. Spend a little extra money on a luxury item, even if it is a more expensive shampoo or bubble-bath that you wouldnt usually buy. Set aside time each day for yourself even if it is just 10 minutes. Confide in Someone - Dont keep emotions bottled up. A well known saying is A problem shared is a problem halved. Focus on the positive aspects of your life
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 16:54:45 +0000

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