Manawa Ko Kaua "Hold on," I said out loud. There was - TopicsExpress


Manawa Ko Kaua "Hold on," I said out loud. There was something that my mind was now trying to tell me that I missed or was not paying attention to. There was a detail that took place right in front of my eyes which escaped me completely, what was it? This was reminiscent of my ex wife asking me a question that she already had the answer to.I had missed an important clue that was crucial to the longevity of our marriage and regardless of whether I had the right answer or not, the point was that I had forgotten; the further the discussion went on, the more angry she was going to become until the point from which the conversation began was lost. This was the feeling that overwhelmed me now, the anxiety of not knowing the right answer, and the fear of what the answered question might bring on. "Oh my god," The girl said. "You`re fading in and out! I mean parts of you are fading in and out! What is that?" She was correct. Parts of me were now flesh while other parts were transparent. Out of pure panic I jumped back and scurried away from the spot where I stood and I was whole flesh and blood again; but as I looked back at where the girl was standing, the same effect was now coming over her body as well. "You too," I whispered. "It`s happening to you too!" I had to think fast before the girl let out another shrill scream. "Step back!" I said as I waved her back with my hands. "Just take a step back and you`ll be fine!" Thank goodness she did exactly that. The look of panic faded away from her face and was instantly replaced by a look of relief. Disaster averted. I cautiously approached the very spot where the girl and I stood face to face and ever so slowly put my hand out in front of me. There was a tingling sensation on the tips of my fingers at first, however, the further forward that my hand went, the more it became transparent. "Holy gees," The girl whispered. "So, you`re not a ghost after all." "Neither are you," I answered. "But this sort of explains why I couldn`t hold your hand but was still be able to put my hand over your mouth, kind of..." She put her hand out just as I had done a moment ago and repeated the same action as I did and got the same result. Without warning, a large rat came out of nowhere and ran right past me, heading straight toward the girl. She screamed bloody murder when the rodent appeared before her completely transparent. In a flash, she kicked the rat back toward me and as it passed through whatever invisible border there was that separated myself and the girl, the rodents flesh immediately fell away from its bones and all that was left was its skeleton. A small vapor of steam rose from what was once flesh, and then an apparition, and finally, skeletal remains. "Thank you Patrick Stewart," I said to myself. "What?" The girl asked. "What are you talking about?" "I`m Lopaka by the way," I offered. "What`s your name?" "Marci," She said. "Marci Coelho." I hadn`t quite put my finger on it, it being whatever it was that was happening right now; but it had something to do with Buddhism and cause and effect and the past, present and future existing in a single moment of time. The ten worlds continually working hand in hand within every second of a human beings life, what was it? What was I missing? "Marci? What year is it?" I asked. She looked at me strangely but answered anyway. "1997," There it was, there was the answer. I`m in a cave that is the home of two Shark Gods, it is filled with the pungent aroma of Lipoa, which traditionally means that the Akua Mano are present. If so, where are they? Not that I wanted a face to face with them or anything but think about it, could this invisible window between times be the result of their presence? Is this how our gods are able to move about at will and literally be in two places at once? And the time according to Marci is 1997. I know for sure that it`s 2013 without a doubt but I could not help but think; if it`s really 1997 then that means my daughter is a year old, my marriage is starting to crumble, I still work at Punana Leo. I`m thirty five years old and Glen Grant is still alive and well. I`m still doing a play for KSBE called, "Family Laundry." Tremaine Tamayose, the director, producer and writer is also still alive. A year later, he`ll be dead as the result of downing his medication with some beer. The combination of the two had an adverse effect in his system and he will die in his sleep .My daughter is still a baby, just a baby. I was the first to hold her and feed her when she was born. Her mother had a C-section and so when my little girl came into the world and I first heard her cry, I knew that she was my child. I was the first to smell her. Even today, in a room filled with hundreds of people I am still able to hear the sound of her voice and i know her natural aroma anywhere. We still have all day Sunday movie watching and eating lunch at the in-laws house. The nostalgia alone began to wash over me and I began to think that here was my opportunity to go back and make things right, but as quickly as I began to think that, I remembered the rat. I couldn`t go back even if I wanted to. "What are you thinking?" Marci asked. "Do you know what`s going on?" "What`s 1997 like for you? What`s the big thing in music now?" I asked. "Psssh," She replied." I don`t listen to any of that Spice Girl, Backstreet Boys crap. All that played in my house growing up was the 60`s and 70`s stuff. I mean that`s the music my folks grew up with so I heard it all the time. You know that song, "IF" by Bread? I liked that one. It was my mom`s favorite song. They played it at my parents wedding and later on, they played it at my mom`s funeral." "I see," I replied. "Sorry about your Mom." "Yeah," She was silent for a second and then continued. "If you know something, can you please tell me?" "Alright," I said. " I mean what else could happen now? I think we`re freaked out enough right?" "Right," She said quietly. "It`s 2013 where I am. The Spice Girls and The Backstreet Boys are long broken up." I said. "Ugh, who cares?" She said. I chuckled and continued on. "This is some kind of window of time or a dimensional door between us, I think it has to do with the fact that the shark gods of this cave are here. I mean I haven`t seen them yet, but by the aroma of Lipoa, they`re somewhere close." I wasn`t sure if she was getting it or if she even believed it but I had to get it all out. As I went on to explain about the past, present and future existing in a single moment and also the Buddhist concept of time in accordance to the person in that same capacity, I could see that Marci was doing her best to digest the information without seeming rude. I went on to explain that this was the exact reason we appeared as flesh at certain times and transparent at other times; I had not noticed it right away but at some point Marci removed a blue hair brush from her pull over front pocket and began to brush out her hair. "Go on," She said. "I`m listening." It happened gradually, not right away like a bolt of lightning. She was wearing a blue/teal pullover sweater and black jeans with white shoes of some sort. She had long beautiful hair, which she was now brushing with a blue hair brush. Fair skinned, a mix of Hawaiian, Chinese and a strain of one of the Hispanic or Caucasian bloodline. She was brushing out her hair with a blue hair brush, a blue hair brush, a blue hair brush. A blue hair brush. "Oh my god," I said out loud, not intending to. "What?" She said casually as she continued brushing her hair. "What is today`s date?" I asked her. "July 20th. Why?" She asked. There was a tone of dread in my voice that visibly made her nervous. "Marci, I know who you are." "Huh?" She said. "We just met, how could you know who I am?" But I did, I did know her because I`ve seen her on many countless occasions in this very cave before. But not across a doorway of time, but as a ghost on my tour. How do I tell her that she`s going to die in just a few short moments? ........................stay tuned for the final conclusion of this story Na Hua Mele I Ka Mahinahina:"Music By The Pale Moonlight" Saturday July 20th 2013
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 06:50:59 +0000

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