Mango Cheesecake with Hung Curd( Amul Masti) I have been - TopicsExpress


Mango Cheesecake with Hung Curd( Amul Masti) I have been substituting Hung Curd for cream cheese for the longest time, with sterling results! Move over Philadelphia full fat cream cheese! This is completely Vegetarian. I made it in a 6 cake tin. Not a springform ,I just lined a ordinary cake tin with foil with lots of it flowing out , to help pull it out once set. For the base , 200gm oat biscuits 50 gm melted Amul Butter Whirr the biscuits in a mixie and combine the finely crumbled biscuits with melted butter. Press this mixture into your foil lined tin . Refrigerate it while you make the rest of the cheesecake. For the cheesecake. Amul Masti Hung Curd – 250 gms Amul cream – 200 ml Mango pulp – 250 gms, I used Alphonso pulp. Gelatine – 15 gms. Water ½ cup 5 tbsp of castor Sugar or more or less according to your taste. Add half a cup water to the gelatin and let it bloom. Now pop it onto the micro , for thirty seconds to melt. Watch it. Dont let it boil over. Whip hung curd with 2. tbsp Castor sugar , till evenly blended and smooth. Whip cream with the rest of the sugar, till the cream is at the ribbony stage. Add the melted warm gelatin to the mango purée , stirring all the time to evenly incorporate the gelatin. Add the purée to the hung curd and mix some more. Finally add the purée and the hung curd mixture to the cream , very gently. Incorporate completely. Pour this mixture over the biscuit base and return it to the fridge. Let it chill overnight. You may have your cheese cake this way , garnished with some mango slices . But I saw a mango glaze on the net and decided to do that . So for the glaze . Mango purée ,( I used Alphonso .) 250 gms. Gelatin 10gms 1/2 cup water . Follow the same procedure as above , to liquify the gelatin. Add it warm to the mango purée and blend well. Now pour it on top of the hung curd layer . Refrigerate in chill tray for at least 2 hours. You may garnish with mango slices or serve chilled as is . Seriously delicious! Havent cut it as yet ..Slice in a while .
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 08:32:57 +0000

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