Manifestation of God Kabir (KavirDev) in Satyug by name - TopicsExpress


Manifestation of God Kabir (KavirDev) in Satyug by name Satsukrit सतगुरु पुरुष कबीर हैं, चारों युग प्रवान। झूठे गुरुवा मर गए, हो गए भूत मसान।। Because of absence of Tattavgyan, devout souls express a doubt that God Kabir, in form of a weaver, has come in Kaashi in Vikrami Samvat 1455 (year 1398). How can this weaver (Dhaanak) of Kaashi be the Purna Parmatma KavirDev in the Vedas? In this matter, it is Das’s (Sant Rampal Das) request that this same Purna Parmatma KavirDev (Kabir Parmeshwar), even prior to the knowledge of the Vedas, was present in Satlok, and has Himself appeared in all the four yugas to impart His real knowledge. In Satyug by the name ‘Satsukrit’; in Tretayug by name ‘Muninder’; in Dwaparyug by the name ‘Karunamay’, and in Kalyug, appeared by His real name ‘KavirDev’ (God Kabir). Apart from this, appears any time by acquiring different forms and after performing His leela, disappears. People are unable to recognise the God who has appeared at that time to perform leela because all the so-called Maharishis and saints have described God as formless. In reality, God is in form. He has a visible human-like body. But it is not a body made up of the five elements. It is made up of one element of light. Whenever He wishes, He appears here; He does not take birth from a mother because He is the Originator of all. Purna Prabhu Kabir Ji (KavirDev) had Himself appeared in Satyug by name Satsukrit. At that time had explained the true knowledge to Garud Ji and Shri Brahma Ji etc. Also tried to explain Tattavgyan to the great sage Shri Manu Ji. But Shri Manu Ji, not accepting the knowledge of God to be true, remained firm on the knowledge of the Vedas heard from Shri Brahma Ji and on the conclusions of the Vedas derived by himself. On the contrary, started ridiculing Parmeshwar Satsukrit Ji that you are imparting all opposite knowledge. Therefore gave Parmeshwar Satsukrit an anonym Vamdev (the meaning of Vam is opposite; for example, the left hand is also known as Vama i.e. opposite hand, just as the right hand is also known as the straight hand). In this way, Parmeshwar KavirDev Ji who had come by Satsukrit name in Satyug, used to explain the real knowledge to the sages and the worshippers of that time. But the sages (Rishis) did not accept it. Instead of ‘Satsukrit Ji’ started calling Parmeshwar, Vamdev. For this reason only, it is mentioned in Yajurved Adhyay 12 Mantra 4 that Vamdev Rishi correctly understood the real knowledge of Yajurved and explained it to others. To understand the knowledge of the Holy Vedas, please think — for example, Yajurved is a holy book. If there is a description about it anywhere in Sanskrit language, where YajuH or Yajum¢ etc words are written, then also it is considered to be pointing towards that holy book Yajurved only. Likewise, the real name of Purna Parmatma is KavirDev; started calling it only as Kabir Sahib, Kabir Parmeshwar in different-different languages. Many devotees express doubt that how did you prove Kavir as Kabir. From the point of view of grammer, the meaning of KaviH is omniscient (Sarvagya). It is a Das’s request that every word has some meaning. As far as the grammer is concerned, language was created first because the speech in the Vedas have been said by God, and grammer was formed later by the Rishis. It can be faulty. In the translation (interpretation of language) of Vedas, grammer is incoherent and contradictory. Because the speech in Vedas is mentioned through mantras in couplets. For example, the people around the Palwal city call Palwal as Parwar. If someone says that how have you proved Palwal as Parwar. It is like saying how have you proved Kavir¢ as Kabir. Like, in regional language, Palwal city is called Parwar; similarly, Kavir¢ is called Kabir, God is same. Maharishi Dayanand Ji in ‘Satyarth Prakash’Samullas 4 on page no. 100 (published from Dayanand Math Dinanagar) has done the meaning of “Devrkama” as “Devar ki Kamna”; by writing a complete ‘R’ has written (Devr) as (Devar). There is no objection or mistake in grammer in writing and saying Kavir¢ as Kavir, and then in different language as Kabir.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 06:10:39 +0000

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