Manifesting Mojo! There are a lot of different elements to the - TopicsExpress


Manifesting Mojo! There are a lot of different elements to the manifesting process. Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, choices, desire, imagination and expectations, are all creating your experience in every moment. Some of those may be more conscious, but there are also subconscious dynamics at play - roots, patterns, and beliefs formed, often in childhood years, that are still impacting the filter through which you perceive and create your reality. Its not a question of whether you can manifest, its a question of how you already are!... the inner landscape that is currently shaping your outer-world experience. Becoming more intimate with yourself - with whats going on inside, getting in touch with your hearts deepest wishes and desires, embracing more of your true wondrous nature, and letting go of what does not serve you, will all help to unfurl dreams-come-true. 5 Keys to Ignite Your Manifesting Mojo! 1. Create The Space For your dream to land in your reality you need to create the space and be ready for it. What needs to be done on a practical, emotional and mental level for you to be ready for this reality? Get prepared and step into your bright future by thinking, feeling and acting from its perspectives, allowing yourself to be transformed through that, and taking the necessary steps towards your goal. Another way to create space in your life for your dreams to land is to clear out the clutter. This can be done on physical and practical levels (clearing out your cupboards, throwing out or giving away old clothes and belongings, organising your papers and filing, etc.), butd can also be done on emotional and mental levels. What fear, resentment, belief, past hurt, anger, loss or guilt are you holding on to that is constricting your energy, keeping you in the past, or standing in the way of greater happiness and success in your life? As you let go of what youre not, you become who you might be. 2. Listen To Your Intuition & Follow the Feel-Good Flow Your intuition relays your hearts wisdom and is also a gateway through which you can receive spiritual guidance beyond the limited perspectives of your conditioned mind and personality self. Just by acknowledging that you have an intuitive side, however out of touch with it you may be, will allow it to start to open and blossom. Your intuition is an invaluable guide on your journey to dreams-come-true. It helps you make optimum choices, and also receive the dreams your Higher Self has for you, and wisdom and insights that can guide you on your path. Your intuition may speak to you in any number of ways. It might be a quiet voice in your mind, a hunch, vision or inspiration, a sense of just knowing, or it may speak to you through the way your body or personal energy feels and responds to thoughts, people and situations. Use your positive feelings as a guide! Something feel good? Juice and excite you? Listen to your heart. It knows whats best for you. 3. Hold Positive Beliefs To successfully attract your desires it is important that your beliefs support them. If, for example, you want a happy loving relationship but hold negative beliefs about love (Love hurts), the gender you want a relationship with (Men are cold and uncaring, Women are untrustworthy), or yourself, (Im not good enough), youll create counter results. Beliefs are formed during childhood and at other key times in your life. They can be shaped and influenced by family, peers, society and media, and a great many you may not even be conscious of. The beliefs in your subconscious mind show up in the experiences and situations you attract in your life. Beliefs are not the truth, just an accepted perception of such. Whats great about beliefs is you can change them! 4. Know You Deserve You always deserve! You deserve whether you believe it or not, so you may as well believe it! And if you dont believe it, it simply means you do not yet know the full extent of your value and worth. Feeling undeserving blocks receiving and the manifestation of successes, or can sabotage success when it arrives. Your sense of deserving can be tampered by guilt, shame, self-judgment and negative self-concepts. Self-love and self-forgiveness will always help to increase your sense of deserving. You deserve totally and utterly just by being alive. When you recognize and awaken to your inherent worth you have more serving thoughts and feelings and make more serving decisions for yourself. 5. Take Action! Dreaming is a wonderful thing, but without action those dreams have no potential to manifest. Dont wait for change to happen. Choose. Initiate. Begin! When you visualize your desires, ask the universe for what you want, set goals, make choices, and hold positive thoughts and feelings, you initiate the law of attraction and get the manifestation ball rolling. When this happens, opportunities will come, so its important to make yourself available to them, recognize them when they arise, and act on them! Every experience, every event, every connection can have meaning and significance and serve as a stepping stone to take you to your goals. The universe will orchestrate all elements of your life towards the symphony of your success if you are open and allow. Making yourself available for opportunity can mean stepping outside your current comfort zone, communicating and sharing yourself, inquiring, asking for help, getting out there, looking for resources and being proactive towards your goals. The more rods you place into the stream of life, the more fish will come your way. Being open to and acting on the opportunities is to essentially receive the assistance the universe is offering - the very resources that will bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This is an important step in the co-creative process, and enables you to take leaps and bounds towards your success, or rather, for your success to take leaps and bounds towards you! Love and joy, Aine Belton
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 08:54:34 +0000

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