Mankinds destiny may lie in the Middle East, a region about which - TopicsExpress


Mankinds destiny may lie in the Middle East, a region about which our not very bright establishment asks us to believe their grasp and that their legendary backstabbing has not worked its will upon our reputations. Faced with such daunting expectations the response seems best be going to sleep. Its far away. The newspapers arent worried. Let the brass handle matters in they way they always do, by bullying, pushing people around, and in this new post-Bush Era by the arts of torture now in vogue up to Parade Magazine. Everyone who reads me knows I have other priorities. When Reagan was torturing me King Crimson was brainwashing people to say he was not. Grim, Machiavellian changes came along from the sickening and loathsome power of the Beatles. Yoko Ono emerged from the ultra-right of Lennons cult of Ayn Rand like a banshee from the bottom of Yasukuni Shrine, her violent happening empowerment of Lennons assassins named Burstyn and Strub. Yet the Middle East exists as a relevant relief against which King Crimson plays out in their self-professed status as Disneyland sufi magi of the Beat Generation. It is the Bush-Obama machine diversion of choice in the AIDS onslaught and derives from the same political agenda. America and Arabia are in the same boat as people, being asked to choose sides between bullies (in this nuclear mad house were all boat people). Mr. President appears on TV in a rinky dink pitch to bomb the beheaders now known to originate in Londons Hip Hop scene and he digresses mysteriously to praise the prosperity of the Detroit auto-industry he bailed out. Is he implying they owe him support in his caustic and ill-conceived adventure? Or that our prosperity pretty much be doomed for allocation to this war or that war, some war, any war if the moneys there they gonna take it. What gives? Whats this all about? America needs to get a grip on our tolerance and slavishness about Britain and Israel (to say nothing of corporate High Command), their shrewish demands on us for potboilers they whip up. My biggest concern is that these Obamas are looking for a way to help the Republicans get America back on the path of the Christian right that Reagan was on back in his heyday of cutting deals with the Ayatollah and helping the gang he says shot him set up an AIDS testing war game at Pitt, not heavily scrutinized by people who should know about it, thanks to deceptive British facility and King Crimsons slick paw with Ayatollah types in America like Aaron Dixon playing spin doctor, witch doctor, voodoo doctor, anything but Hippocrates. Back in Seattle they like, oh, we just slashered somebody, that means were Imhotep! The operation of the British on behalf of Israel in the AIDS onslaught was to clamor for a blood debt claim made by those who released AIDS against their victims. A similar situation exists in Royal collusion over with those who killed Princess Diana. So long as the perpetrators can howl that they are the victim and that the accuser must legally affect non-violence while giving them all due warning, they can obstruct justice through a terror campaign. In the Nazification of American Blacks we have seen Obamas war toys like the Secret Service taken over to masquerade as Grievance Central for the AIDS Combine. Ask what you can do for those who started AIDS and they will ask what they can do for you. Exxon Valdez, 911, anthrax, how about a little fire, scarecrow? Why Obama prefers war to peace is more than just his inability to rise to the occasion and become a great man, something he has apparently never even considered. It goes deeper into what Dr. King said about the content of a mans character. Hes not just the senior class guy who made Mr. President, up there looking handsome but too young, hes an open book of hidden history. Being castrated by Obamas domestic war machine for reporting a gory ordeal of kidnapping and torture in childhood has become a familiar pain. America needs of course a good protest candidate and there isnt one. The cultural narrative and prospect of relevant disciplic succession was cut off by the murders of Kennedy and King. John Lewis is still in office, but thats a far cry from leadership. He, like his throng of Civil Rights Movement celebrities, lives in the past. Obamas greatest failure as President was not to light out on his own and take a stand about Burma for Aung San Suu Kyi and monks like U Gambira. There they are in the worlds worst hothouse and charnelhouse, saying they still believe in non-violence and the dignity of man, while Obama, filled with the gloat of power, sets the example of obedience to mania. I see everyday the way Obama has alienated and confused Black folk away from the continuity of their historic journey. There is not a trace of Dick Gregorys suspicion of power, not a word about non-violence, only the scorn he heaps on me by weird and cruel tactis, in the dark, as though asking for justice and remedy from torture is to defy a State Secret, punishable by death; for who else could it be that licensed Peter Gabriel?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 17:32:31 +0000

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