Manny E. Vega says it better than I ever could... If you are or - TopicsExpress


Manny E. Vega says it better than I ever could... If you are or have ever been a law enforcement officer, thank you for your willingness to protect and serve the people in your jurisdiction, whether it be a city, county, state or federal. We are indebted to you for the sacrifices you do and the situations you must deal with. You are first responders to crimes committed and accidents. We the People not only depend on ourselves but also on you to enforce the law and keep order. This past year and last couple years, weve witnessed, majorly through social network media, a small minority of police officers act unbecoming. Nobody is above the law and therefore any body that does break the law, will and should face due process. An entire department of good police officers should not be grouped negatively for the wrong actions of one. This recent spike in hatred for police officers in communities across the nation, I disdain. I have my opinions regarding some late high profile cases, just as everyone, but though these cases are very emotionally fueled and spark anger amongst people, I rather save myself from losing my head and only allow the justice system to prevail whatever the outcome, despite my dissent afterwards. Perhaps there may exist a problem that calls for reform. That being it, people should get together peacefully but be assertive and affect the change that they want, respecting law and order. The brutal murders of these two NYPD officers is heartbreaking. No innocent life should be taken. Its a sad state of affairs when a city government and its head of state can be greatly perceived to be somewhat complicit in inciting criminal behavior. It is what it is! Our public servants on the ground, upholding law and order, are indeed a great blue line of defense within our communities, roads and highways. They patrol and are ready to quickly respond to the aid of anybody, anytime, anywhere and are willing to give their lives. I feel secure at night with the knowledge that I can, if the need arises, dial 911 and have a peace officer respond. If it is to report a break in at my dwelling, Ill call for the coroner myself. Police Officers, Firefighters or Paramedics, I want to thank you for your service and wish you a very Merry Christmas, knowing full well that some of you will spend it in your vehicles, stations, firehouses or hospitals at 0700 on Christmas Day. You men and women are heroes. From a Marine to you all, Semper Fidelis.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:12:26 +0000

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