Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Directorate of Distance and - TopicsExpress


Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Directorate of Distance and Continuing Education Tirunelveli – 627 012. ASSIGNMENT TOPICS M.B.A I YEAR (For those who joined in the Calendar Year 2014 & Academic Year 2014-15) DRM 11: Management Process and Behaviour 1. Elucidate the different types of Departmentalization with suitable examples. 2. Describe the various theories of Learning with examples. DRM 12: Managerial Economics 1. Elaborate the types of market structure 2. Trace out the Balance of Payment in India DRM 13: Accounting for Managers 1. Discuss the Liquidity and Profitability ratios. 2. Mention and explain any five accounting concepts DRM 14: Business Environment 1. Analyse the concept of Social Responsibility of Business. 2. Explain the problems and prospects of small scale Industries in India, at present. DRM 15: Business law 1. Describe the Consumer Protection Act. 2. Narrate the New Indian Companies Act 2013. DRM 16: Managerial Communication 1. Explain with examples, the types of communication. 2. Draft a sales promotion letter assuming your own product. DRM 17: Computer Application in Management 1. Give a brief account on the spreadsheet application in business. 2. Explain the role of Management Information System(MIS) in the field of business. DRM 18 : Research Methodology 1. Describe the types of research 2. Explain the application of statistics in the business research. M.B.A II YEAR (For those joined in Calendar Year 2013 & Academic Year 2013-14) M.B.A GENERAL (Course Code : 33) PROFESSIONAL M.B.A (Course code : 162) DRM 21: Human Recourses Management 1. Discuss the On-the job training used for employees in an organization with which you are familiar. 2. Critically analyze any two performance appraisal methods appraised by modern organizations. DRM 22: Marketing Management 1. Explain with examples, the types of packaging. 2. Describe the different types of sales promotion techniques used by home care products. DRM 23: Financial Management 1. Explain the role of Financial Management in today‟s business 2. Critically evaluate the cash management models. DRM 24: Operations Management 1. Describe the scope and nature of operations management 2. Elaborate the dimensions of Total Quality Management (TQM) DRM 25: Decision Support System 1. Explain the process of Decision Support System. 2. Elucidate the recent issues in DBMS. DRM 26: International Business Management 1. Explain the Foreign Direct Investment in India 2. Describe the International operations strategy in the present day context DRM 27: Strategic Management 1. Elaborate the Strategic planning process. 2. Explain with the help of examples, the types of Grand Strategies. DRM 28 – Entrepreneurship and Management of Small Business. 1. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development. 2. Critically evaluate the Public Distribution System (PDS) in Tamil Nadu. M.B.A Marketing (Course Code : 163) DRC 21: Functional Management -1 1. Explain with example, the types of retailer‟s 2. Describe the role of auditing in HR Functions. DRC 22: Functional Management- II 1. Elaborate the determinants of working capital. 2. Discuss the types of plant layout with suitable illustration. DRC 23: Strategic Management 1. Elaborate the Strategic planning process. 2. Explain with the help of examples, the types of Grand Strategies. DRC 24: Marketing Research 1. „Marketing Research as a tool of management‟ - comment 2. Explain the applications of marketing research. DRC 25: Advertising and sales promotion. 1. Narrate the problems and prospects of advertising 2. Explain the techniques used for measuring advertisement performance. DRC 26: International Marketing 1. Bring out the Impact of Marketing Intelligence on Export Oriented business. 2. Analyse the role of EXIM Bank in India. DRC 27: Service marketing 1. Bring out the 7P‟s of Services Marketing with suitable examples. 2. Briefly explain the marketing of hospitality services in India. DRM 28: Entrepreneurship and Management of small business. 1. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development. 2. Critically evaluate the Public Distribution System (PDS) in TamilNadu. M.B.A Production Course Code : 164) DRC 21: Functional Management -1 1. Explain with example, the types of retailer‟s 2. Describe the role of auditing in HR Functions. DRC 22: Functional Management- II 1. Elaborate the determinants of working capital. 2. Discuss the types of plant layout with suitable illustration. DRC 23: Strategic Management 1. Elaborate the Strategic planning process. 2. Explain with the help of examples, the types of Grand Strategies. DRP 24: Materials Management 1. Explain the use of Time Series Analysis in Materials Management. 2. Explain the applications of simulation in Inventory Control. DRP 25: Supply chain Management 1. Trace out the current scenario of Supply Chain Management (SCM) 2. Explain the financial impact of inventory. DRP 26: Project Management 1. Describe the role and application of network analysis for project planning. 2. Explain the factors that should be considered for location size in technical analysis. DRP 27: Operations Research 1. Explain with examples, the probabilistic models in operations research 2. Explain the procedure of arriving the optimal solution to a Linear Programming Problem DRM 28: Entrepreneurship and Management of small business. 1. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development. 2. Critically evaluate the Public Distribution System (PDS) in TamilNadu. M.B.A Finance (Course Code : 165) DRC 21: Functional Management -1 1. Explain with example, the types of retailer‟s 2. Describe the role of auditing in HR Functions. DRC 22: Functional Management- II 1. Elaborate the determinants of working capital. 2. Discuss the types of plant layout with suitable illustration. DRC 23: Strategic Management 1. Elaborate the Strategic planning process. 2. Explain with the help of examples, the types of Grand Strategies. DRF 24: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 1. Bring out the various avenues of investment in India. 2. Explain with examples, the various charting methods used in Technical analysis. DRF 25: Financial Services: 1. Discuss fully the different schemes of mutual funds in India. 2. Explain the procedure for rating the securities by CRISIL. DRF 26: Working Capital Management 1. Bring out the various components of current Assets and current Liabilities with suitable examples. 2. Describe how a firm? Credit policies can affect the investment? DRF 27: Corporate Taxation 1. Trace out the importance of TDS. 2. Explain the General Principles of Tax. DRM 28: Entrepreneurship and Management of small business. 1. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development. 2. Critically evaluate the Public Distribution System (PDS) in TamilNadu. M.B.A Human Resources (Course Code : 166) DRC 21: Functional Management -1 1. Explain with example, the types of retailer‟s 2. Describe the role of auditing in HR Functions. DRC 22: Functional Management- II 1. Elaborate the determinants of working capital. 2. Discuss the types of plant layout with suitable illustration. DRC 23: Strategic Management 1. Elaborate the Strategic planning process. 2. Explain with the help of examples, the types of Grand Strategies. DRH 24: Management Training and Development. 1. Explain the roles and responsibilities of a training manager. 2. Evaluate the methods of training. DRH 25: Organizational Development 1. Describe the nature and scope of OD. 2. Critically evaluate the failure of ODs‟ in India. DRH 26: Industrial Labour Relations 1. Discuss the Industrial Relations at National Levels. 2. Write in detail the various health and safety measures statutorily to laborers in India. Critically evalue their effectiveness. DRH 27: Counseling skills for Managers 1. Evaluate the approaches to counseling. 2. Narrate the skills of counselors. DRM 28: Entrepreneurship and Management of small business. 1. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development. 2. Critically evaluate the Public Distribution System (PDS) in TamilNadu. M.B.A. System (Course Code : 167) DRC 21: Functional Management -1 1. Explain with example, the types of retailer‟s 2. Describe the role of auditing in HR Functions. DRC 22: Functional Management- II 1. Elaborate the determinants of working capital. 2. Discuss the types of plant layout with suitable illustration. DRC 23: Strategic Management 1. Elaborate the Strategic planning process. 2. Explain with the help of examples, the types of Grand Strategies. DRS 24: System analysis and Design 1. Discuss fully the role of System analyst. 2. Narrate the process of design, logical and Physical of System Design and Control. DRS 25: Business Process Re- Engineering 1. Explain the role of Information Technology in BPR. 2. Write notes on:(i) BPR Mapping , (ii) Activity Diagrams. DRS 26: Decision Support System 1. Explain the Decision modeling process. 2. „DBMS as DSS Development Tool‟ – Comment. DRS 27: E-Commerce 1. Trace out the growth of E-commerce in India 2. Discuss the Security Infrastructure and electronic payment infrastructures in e- commerce. DRM 28: Entrepreneurship and Management of small business. 1. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development. 2. Critically evaluate the Public Distribution System (PDS) in Tamil Nadu. ASSIGNMENT TOPICS DRM21: Human Recourses Management 1. Explain the role of HR mangers in organizations with which you are familiar with? 2. Discuss fully any two training techniques followed for employees in an organization with which you are familiar? DRM 22: Marketing Management 1. Give a brief account on the different marketing functions? 2. Explain the stages in the product life cycle with present day product examples? DRM 23: Financial Management 1. Discuss the present day Indian Financial System? 2. Explain the different cash Management Strategies? DRM 24: Operations Management 1. Give a detailed account on materials management? 2. Explain TQM and ISO 9000? DRM 25: Decision Support System 1. Explain the components and characteristics of Decision Support System? 2. Write an essay on the issues relating to user interface? DRM 26 : International Business Management 1. Explain the various political and legal factors that influence the International Business. 2. Discuss the International operations strategy? DRM 27: Strategic Management 1. Explain with examples, strategic planning process? 2. Analyse the strategic management at the function level in an Indian company you know familiar with? DRM 18: Research Methodology (The students who have opted for Project work need not write these assignments) 1. Explain any five different types of samples? 2. Explain the mechanics of writing Research Reports? ASSIGNMENT TOPICS – I year DRM 11: Management Process and Behaviour 1. Critically analyse any three theories on motivation? 2. Write short notes on: (a) Perception (b) Values (c) Attitudes (d) Personality DRM 12: Managerial Economics 1. Explain Cobb- Douglas Production Function? 2. Analyse the determinants of investment? DRM 13: Accounting for Managers 1. Define Break-Even point? Explain the different methods of constructing Break even charts? 2. Draw a Specimen statement of sources and uses of funds with as much details as possible? DRM 14: Business Environment 1. Explain the importance of and difficulties faced by: Small Scale industries in the Globalised Scenario? 2. Explain any two environmental pollution causers and suggest the measure to prevent them in future? DRM 15: Business law 1. Explain the liabilities of agents with relevant cases? 2. Discuss the different clauses of the memorandum of Association of a limited company? DRM 16: Managerial Communication 1. What are the Barriers to effective communication? Explain them with appropriate Examples? 2. Draft a sales promotion letter assuming your own product as well as the target Consumers? DRM 17: Computer Application in Management 1. Give a brief account on the spread sheet applications in Business situations? 2. “Computer makes more people jobless in a populous country like India”. Support your answer. DRM 18 : Research Methodology 1. Explain any five different types of samples? 2. Explain the mechanics of writing research reports? Assignment Topics – 2nd Year General Management DRM 21: Human Recourses Management 1. Explain the role of HR managers in organizations with which you are familiar with? 2. Discuss fully any two training techniques used for employees in an organization with which you are familiar? DRM 22: Marketing Management 1. Give a brief account on the different marketing functions? 2. Explain the stages in the product life cycle with present day product examples? DRM 23: Financial Management 1. Discuss the present day Indian Financial System? 2. Explain the different cash management Strategies? DRM 24: Operations Management 1. Give a detailed account on materials management? 2. Explain TQM and ISO 9000? DRM 25: Decision Support System 1. Explain the components and characteristics of Decision Support System? 2. Write an essay on the issues relating to user interface? DRM 26: International Business Management 1. Explain the various political and legal factors that influence the International Business? 2. Discuss the International operations strategy? DRM 27: Strategic Management 1. Explain with examples, strategic planning process? Analyse the strategic management at the function level in an Indian company? DRM 28 – Entrepreneurship and Management of small business. 1. Bring out the role of Entrepreneurship in the Indian Economic Development? 2. Explain the difficulties attached with small business marketing, with practical examples? Other Specializations (Common papers) DRC 21: Functional Management -1 1. Explain the role of marketing channels with appropriate examples? 2. Bring out the role and relevance of Trade unions in today‟s business scenario? DRC 22: Functional Management- II 1. Critically analyse any five financial ratios? 2. Explain with examples, the risk- return relationship? DRC 23: Strategic Management 1. Explain with examples, Strategic planning process? 2. Analyse the strategic Management at the functional level in an Indian company, you know/familiar with? DRM 28: Entrepreneurship and Management of small business. 1. Bring out the role of Entrepreneurship in the Indian Economic Development? 2. Explain the difficulties attached with small business marketing, with practical examples? Marketing DRC 24: Marketing Research 1. Discuss the relevance of marketing research in the present day Indian context? 2. Explain the marketing research process in relation to specific product of your choice? DRC 25: Advertising and sales promotion. 1. Explain the problems and prospects of Industrial advertising in India at present? 2. Draft an advertisement copy for your own product? DRC 26: International Marketing 1. Explain the Sources and methods of Export Finance, available in India? 2. Chart down the General Import procedures? DRC 27: Service marketing 1. Bring out the problems encountered in factoring services, with practical examples? 2. Write a detailed account on “Marketing of Non- profit organizations”, in India? Production DRP 24: Material Management 1. Write Notes on: (a) ABC Analysis, (b) VED analysis 2. Explain the application of Time series Analysis in materials Management? DRP 25: Supply chain Management 1. Explain the concept and components of supply chain management? 2. Discuss the role of logistics in supply chain management? DRP 26: Project Management 1. Discuss fully the Programme Evaluation and Review Technique? 2. Critically analyse any two alternate investment proposal? DRP 27: Operations Research 1. Explain with examples, the deterministic and probabilistic models in operations research? 2. Explain any two methods used for getting initial basic feasible folution in Transportation model? Finance DRF 24: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 1. Critically evaluate any two Asset pricing Theories? 2. Technical analysis Vs. Fundamental Analysis. DRF 25: Financial Services: 1. Explain the different types of leases? 2. Analyse the SEBI code on Takeovers? DRF 26: Working Capital Management 1. Explain the merits, limitations, and impact of different levels of inventory? 2. Fund flow Analysis Vs cash flow analysis, DRF 27: Corporate Taxation 1. Depict your Tax assessment Statement or an income Tax assesses whom you know personally. 2. Write a brief note on „Wealth Tax‟? Human Resources. DRH 24: Management Training and Development. 1. Discuss the role, responsibilities and Challenges of training managers in India at present? 2. How Development effectiveness evaluated? DRH 25: Organizational Development 1. Explain the theory and practice on change and changing? 2. Give a brief account on Organisational Development interventions? DRH 26: Industrial Labour Relations. 1. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of Indian Trade union movement, during the past twenty four months? 2. Show the importance and purpose of Factories Act 1948? DRH 27: Counseling skills for Managers 1. Discuss the growth of counseling approaches in India? 2. Do your organization/ you studied performance counseling? Explain in with suitable examples? System DRS 24: System analysis and Design 1. Discuss the skill requirements of a System analyst in an organization? 2. Explain the importance of Ethics in System Development? DRS 25: Business Process Re- Engineering 1. Explain the role of Information Technology in Business Process Re- Engineering? 2. Write Short notes on: a) Business Process improvement b) Business Process Redesign DRS 26: Management Decision Support System 1. Explain the components and characteristics of Decision Support System? 2. Write an essay on the issues relating to user interface? DRS 27: E-Commerce 1. Trace the history of internet and other electronic delivery channel? 2. Show the information technology requirements for a form to participate in e-commerce? ASSIGNMENT TOPICS DRM21: Human Recourses Management 3. Explain the role of HR mangers in organizations with which you are familiar with? 4. Discuss fully any two training techniques followed for employees in an organization with which you are familiar? DRM 22: Marketing Management 3. Give a brief account on the different marketing functions? 4. Explain the stages in the product life cycle with present day product examples? DRM 23: Financial Management 3. Discuss the present day Indian Financial System? 4. Explain the different cash Management Strategies? DRM 24: Operations Management 3. Give a detailed account on materials management? 4. Explain TQM and ISO 9000? DRM 25: Decision Support System 3. Explain the components and characteristics of Decision Support System? 4. Write an essay on the issues relating to user interface? DRM 26 : International Business Management 3. Explain the various political and legal factors that influence the International Business. 4. Discuss the International operations strategy? DRM 27: Strategic Management 3. Explain with examples, strategic planning process? 4. Analyse the strategic management at the function level in an Indian company you know familiar with? DRM 18: Research Methodology (The students who have opted for Project work need not write these assignments) 3. Explain any five different types of samples? 4. Explain the mechanics of writing Research Reports? 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Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 06:28:36 +0000

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