Mantra is a syllable or word or set of words. When consciously - TopicsExpress


Mantra is a syllable or word or set of words. When consciously someone remembers his mantra, it automatically is stored in the unconscious mind, though ordinarily one does not remain aware of this fact. During the day of parting, when the mind is failing and stops functioning, attachment toward body and other possessions of the world makes one horribly lonely and miserable. During such a period that which one has stored there in the unconscious mind becomes one’s guide. This period of separation is painful to the ignorant. This is not the case with a spiritual person who has remembered his mantra faithfully: the mantra guides him through this period of transition, which is frightening to the ignorant. Death is not painful, but fear of death is very painful. The mantra is a powerful support and guide which leads the dying person peacefully through that unknown period of darkness. Mantra then becomes a torch-bearer when one goes through the corridor that exists between death and birth. Constantly being aware of the mantra with complete faith is one of the surest methods. All the spiritual traditions of the world use this method. A purified and trained mind with the help of mantra awareness dispels the darkness during the period of transition. Mantra is a rare friend indeed, which helps one whenever it is needed, both here and hereafter. By remembering the mantra constantly, the aspirant creates deep grooves in the unconscious, and then the mind flows spontaneously in those grooves. Mantra is a spiritual guide which dispels the fear of death and leads one fearlessly to the other shore of life. Swami Rama in Living with the Himalayan Masters
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 14:54:08 +0000

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