Mantra of the Millennium: Deepen your roots and broaden your - TopicsExpress


Mantra of the Millennium: Deepen your roots and broaden your vision - SriSri. From the Hindus, Christians&Muslims should learn to broaden their vision. Because Sanatana Dharma is one of the most inclusive religions of all (actually it is not even a religion, its simply a way of life; given a name Hinduism by the British or the Mughals). There is no conversion INTO Hinduism; definitely not like the millions converted by the sword by the Mughals or other sinister means by the Christians. In Hinduism, not just a person with a different belief or faith, but even an atheist is welcomed and encouraged. There is a Vedic treatise(thousands of years old) which talks about atoms and proclaims, Padhaarta dynanaat mokshah|, if you understand one particle throughly, you will be liberated. Hindus practically live the ideal of broad vision. What the Hindus need to learn from the Muslims&Christians is to deepen their roots. If one asks a Muslim or a Christian about their scriptures, pat with come a few quotes from the Holy Kuran or the Holy Bible. Ask a Hindu the same and mostly you will be greeted with a lost dog expression. Doesnt know what his holy scriptures are, leave alone a few shlokas from them. Muslims and Christians are proud of their religion. A US president will take his oath with pride, So help me God, or a Pakistani plane before take off will happily chant a few couplets from the Kuran. But Hindus by nature tend to be very apologetic that they are Hindus or while talking of their religion. The Hindus need to have pride in their heritage and deepen their roots. Why SriSris Ideals and the Art of Living teachings are universally welcomed is because they dont compete or conflict with any religious practices or belief systems. The Art of Living in fact complements them all. So the conversion if at all, happens from a bad Hindu to a good Hindu, a bad Christian to a good Christian and so on, a bad son to a good son, a bad leader to a good leader, a bad human being to a good human being. The change from stress to stress-free, from disease to good health, from misery to joy, from hatred to love, from creating differences to celebrating differences. Basically, the conversion is from, being religious to being spiritual! Even among spiritual paths, the mantra is to Follow one and Respect all. These are simple To Be and To Dos for making life a celebration of this planet live like a One World Family.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:47:17 +0000

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