Many Australians have been conned into believing the Commission of - TopicsExpress


Many Australians have been conned into believing the Commission of Audit is a genuine independent attempt to deal with the fiscal imbalance. Its nothing of the sort. Its a total fraud. Its a set up to allow the far right Business Council of Australia (BCA) to set the agenda for the rest of Australia to benefit their members This debt crisis has been confected by Hockey and Abbott as a smokescreen to allow them and their BCA mates to pursue their harsh ideological remake of our society. We have the second lowest debt in the OECD. ( Other countries would kill for such a low debt. Note the BCA was not asked to come up with suggestions to increase revenue just cut expenditure. The far right American Tea Party lunatics must be applauding. Its just what they want, except they havent got the numbers in the Republican Party to implement such a harsh agenda. This so-called audit gives permission for Tony Abbott to dismantle Medicare, force people to work until they are 70, sell off Australia Post and anything else owned by the people, gut the ABC and reduce government to a rump concerned mainly with defence. Its OK to spend $24 billion on jet fighters and billions on roads for their business mates to move their products around but not OK to allow a mother on a low income with asthmatic children to visit the doctor without paying. Imagine also a builders labourer lifting loads of bricks and digging trenches in all weathers at the age of 70. Where will these jobs for 70 year olds come from Joe? Its hard enough getting a job at 50 or 60 when youve been thrown on the scrap heap as a result of you challenging General Motors to leave Australia. The fiscal imbalance could be addressed without touching pensions, the ABC, Medicare, selling off irreplaceable assets or reducing vitally needed services. How about looking at ways to increase revenue? Keep the mining tax despite Ginas squeals. Increase capital gains tax. Knock off multi-billion dollar subsidies to foreign owned mining corporations. Remove tax loopholes. Cancel that order for jet fighters. Lets hope this budget never sees the light of day PS I am about to unbuckle my foppish suit of shining armour, remove my fancy helmet with flowing feathers and renounce my Bunyip knighthood -and get down to a bare knuckle fight in the dirt with Tony Abbott.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 23:25:59 +0000

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