Many Christian parents send their children off to college unaware - TopicsExpress


Many Christian parents send their children off to college unaware of the challenges they might face or overly confident in the faith and training their children have received. But then they meet a winsome biology professor who presents evolutionary ideas to them in a way that seems to make sense. Or the philosophy professor provides them with a compelling argument they had never heard explaining why a first cause isn’t necessary to explain the universe. Doubts that have been hidden begin to come to the surface. Situations like these and other pressures from peers will make it apparent whether the students’ professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is real, or if they have just been going through the motions. Rather than going through the motions, we must submit to Christ as Lord in every area of our life. This film will provide a great opportunity for parents and students to engage in discussions about the authority of the Bible, what it means to follow Jesus, how to connect with a local church and other Christian students for encouragement, and how to defend the faith using various apologetic arguments. Understanding that there are only two basic foundations for a worldview—man’s words or God’s Word—is the key to coming to the right answers about these challenging questions. Whichever side you choose, there is always an element of faith. The question is in whom or what are you placing your faith.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:22:24 +0000

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