Many Christians are repeatedly told by their pastors, teachers, - TopicsExpress


Many Christians are repeatedly told by their pastors, teachers, and church leaders that America was founded as a Christian nation. This assertion would not be so as a Christian nation. This assertion would not be so bad if were confined to the arrival of the Puritans at Plymouth and the early develipment of the new World. If that were the case, it would be an accurate statement, in this writers opinion. The problem arises when one marks the foundation of our country at the American Revolution and the establishment of the United States. It is at this point where all bible-believeing Christians should be very wary, since the working of occult societies during this era was at an unprecedented height. Some historians even argue that you simply cannot understand the history of the world for the past few hundred years if you do not take these societies into account. Their members have the planners, leaders, and engineers of a global agenda, one that they do not readily share with the rest of the world. More importantly, they often use religion as an instrument to manipulate the masses, their belief being that the end justifes the means. While often overlooked or marginalized by modern historians, the American Revolution, in many ways, begins with Thomas Paine. The Marquis De Lafayette said, A Free America without her Thomas Paine is unthinable. Paine wrote the famous pamphlet, Common Sense, Which is called by far the most influential tract of the American Revolution by not few historians, who also maintain that it influenced Jeffersons writing of the Declaration of Independence. Paine also published The Crisis pamphlet series, some of which were read aloud by George Washingion to his troops during the Revoultion. John Adam is known for saying, Without the pen of Pain, the sward of Washington would have been wielded in vain. These words tombstone of the revoltionary author, whose words are said to have stirred the American colonies to independence. Another quote appers on his tombstone, saying: Histroy is to ascribe the American Revolution to Thomas Paine. With these things in mind, consider that Paine worte: When I see trhoughout the greater part of this book (the Bible!!!!!!!!!!!!) scaecely anything but a histroy of the grossest vices and a collection of the most paltry and contemptible tales, I cannot dishonor my Creator by calling it by His name. What is it the Bible teaches us- rapine, crueluty, and murder.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 07:54:13 +0000

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