Many False Prophets will Appear and Deceive Many~Jesus Matt 24:11 - TopicsExpress


Many False Prophets will Appear and Deceive Many~Jesus Matt 24:11 because of the increase in wickedness the love of many will grow cold. Beloved, God says, my people parish for lack of knowledge.(Hosea4:6) Please be careful Beloved, these are dark days, evil abounds on the earth. There are demons that have been released that have been held in the pit since the days of Noah. Satan will entice you through your ego and pride, these cults will want someone smart, educated, and ambitious. If he (the devil) can get you away from where God has you planted to out in the wilderness alone, then he can call you into one of the cults. First, he will tell you join or loose your job, or you need to join to fit in. It will seem innocent and simple.(2Peter 2:1-3 Transforming themselves 2Cor.11:13-15) Some time they will convince you Gods Word is corrupted, they deny that Gods Word isnt complete corrupted by the Catholics/Roman Empire, they all contend that and theirs is a new and better way(Prophet to restore Gods Kingdom on earth.(Denying the inerrancy of Gods Word, ( They have other Prophets and angels that has brought them revelations to give them to satisfy their lusts of the flesh and pride of life.(2Cor.11:4;Gal.1:8; Eph..6:15-19) They will have a more complete story or the rest of the story, and you will immediately see the errors and hear the wrong, but you are to deep by then; They have made you their friend for life. (1John2:16; Heb.12:1;Prov.16:18, 18:2; Psalms 86:13) You will be told you are in the only true church or way. Anyone outside is doomed and lost without their edge on the knowledge and their works.(Rom.16:17-18 Wait theres more; they will promise you sainthood or even godhood if you follow them.(Gal.1:8-10) Their leaders are the only truly anointed and they are doing thing in this for more days. There will be a strong delusion sent out by God to turn those taken by the pride of sin. (1 Thes.1-2; 2Thes 2) These cults claim to be godly, wholesome, even holy and around before the Flood, but it is just Baal worship butter up. (Acts 20:28-31) Jesus said, Be as wise as serpents, but gentle as doves. (Matt. 10:16) If you follow heres why you did.(Eph.4:17-19)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:54:18 +0000

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