Many Liberal and Reformist Jews wonder and ask the question why - TopicsExpress


Many Liberal and Reformist Jews wonder and ask the question why should I embrace my roots of Judaism... why should I return to the teachings of my forefathers? Yet these Liberal and Reformist Jews watch as others like themselves return to the Orthodox Original Teachings and are filled with more Joy and Shalom then the Liberal and Reformist Jews posses. Maybe this is why.... read on! aish/tp/ss/ssw/248372931.html (Leviticus 6-8) GOOD MORNING!... Did you ever wonder what really distinguishes a human being from an animal? Every human has four deep seated needs - meaning, pleasure, understanding and self-actualization. Cows dont have these needs. Dogs dont have these needs. Cats ... no way! The renowned psychiatrist Viktor Frankl wrote in Mans Search for Meaning, Mans search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life and not a secondary rationalization of instinctual drives... A public-opinion poll was conducted a few years ago in France. The results showed that 89 percent of the people polled admitted that man needs something to live for. According to Western ideology, there is no absolute purpose to life. God and evil, meaning and meaninglessness, are matters of personal taste. Yet with all the freedoms this philosophy embraces, it disposes of the one and only ingredient that gives life profound and lasting satisfaction: a transcendent purpose -- the recognition of a Creator who cares about mans actions. A Creator Who invests him with the ability to make choices that either further Gods purpose or undermine it. As vitally as he needs to breathe, eat and sleep, every human being needs to know that his existence matters. The philosophies of relativism and purposelessness, however, inevitably engender in man gnawing questions about the meaning and purpose of his life. If nothing really matters, why am I making such an effort to be a good person? Is life just about killing time until death? Understandably, this creates a subconscious anxiety which many people dread uncovering. Better to convince oneself that life has no purpose at all, than to confront the tormenting realization that I have lived life in ignorance of that purpose. Those who do confront the question often embark on a painful, protracted search for meaning. Frequently, they drift through the array of alternatives to Western values, such as Zen, Buddhism and Transcendental Meditation. The greater majority, however, accepts societys insistence that there are no answers, and tries to deaden their pain through various mediums of distraction. Some lose themselves in the world of entertainment and illusion -- television, movies and video games. Others dedicate mind and soul to making it in their careers. Many, in an attempt to relieve their anxiety, adopt the belief that there is no Creator, no responsibility, no accountability and no goals. Without a viable alternative to meaninglessness, these people have no choice but to avoid contemplating life too seriously. However, despite the best efforts of distraction and rationalization, our souls long for meaning. And until the soul receives the nourishment (read: meaning and purpose) it so vitally needs, man will never find lasting tranquility. On some level (most often subconscious), he will continue to be plagued by disharmony between what he deeply craves and what Western ideology claims life to offer. As Torah Jews, our inner longing to lead meaningful, productive lives is nurtured and guided. The goal is our relationship with God. Our tools are the mitzvot, the commandments. The framework for success and meaning is neatly laid out for us in the intricate structure of Torah life. Best of all, we need not struggle to find the goal. We are free from the start to focus our energies and resources on achieving it. Through Torah, the most mundane and routine activities of life are elevated to a Higher purpose. While we may never accomplish all that we should, a Torah lifestyle removes the specter of meaninglessness that haunts so many lives. The Torah provides an internal stability, gained from the knowledge that life is purposeful and valuable. We are given ongoing opportunities to accomplish things that are meaningful -- and the realization that our choices truly matter. This is tremendously empowering and reassuring.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:35:56 +0000

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