Many amongst us consider (as we were taught in schools) that Vasco - TopicsExpress


Many amongst us consider (as we were taught in schools) that Vasco Da Gama was the first foreigner who discovered India in 15th Century while actually he was not. Arabs were first foriegners who discovered India prior to the birth of Prophet of Islam Hazrath Muhammad (saaw), Arabs and Indians had trade relations since then. In the 8th Century Ottomon further extended its kingdom to the east by conquering Sindh (now in Pakistan), then further, India was invaded by many Muslim rulers like Qutubuddeen Aybak, Alauddeen Khilji, Muhammad Tughlaq, etc. And even if we consider that there is a difference between military invasions and peaceful discoveries then also many Muslim travellers prior to Vasco Da Gama visited India and noted down the account of their travel, and among them was one of the famous Muslim traveller of 14th Century Ibn Battuta. He started his travel from Morocco (Africa) and visited many countries including India and recorded it in his travel diary which is available in the market as well as on internet. The only difference between the voyage of Vasco Da Gama and the travel of Ibn Battuta is the route that they took in their journey. Vasco Da Gama took the sea route while Ibn Battuta took land route but both journeyed to India and amongst them Ibn Battuta was the earliest traveller.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 19:32:38 +0000

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