Many are afraid to touch Revelation and preach it in replacement - TopicsExpress


Many are afraid to touch Revelation and preach it in replacement of a feel-good, prosperity and wealth gospel. It is also easy to realise considering that that books interpretation is thought by so many to the point that its a fact in their minds, could be anything- though they never truly, deeply study it and look into histories, or modern times to ascertain some knowledge. It is also understood why the cold feet, considering it is not a book you want to fail the meaning of- especially as it is the one book that holds protection over the whole word of God with the warning against changing its words or taking away from it, or adding to it. It is not something you want to screw up, and especially for a bunch of people to whom youve the responsibility to minister to and care for. Due to these, none can be blamed for not touching it more often (but it must still be looked at). THERE ARE teachers and students of the word whove understood ever so well the meaning of the book of Revelation and its correlation (as an add-on) to the book of Daniel. WHY THEY ARENT ALLOWED TO SPEAK IN CHURCH where ministers havent the courage, is anyones guess. Salvation of the planet is excellent, and setting up churches, programs and missions to help and stop wrong-doings both locally and abroad- yet. What about that part of church time devoted to future, prophetic events and making that knowledge well known amongst the congregation- as Hosea says: Due to a lack of knowledge, Gods people will die. There is no maybe: ignorance breeds fear of the unknown, and not everyone is smart enough to crack Revelation, let alone stomach its truth when seen through the eye-glass of real-time events (the manifestation of prophecy being fulfilled). We need more intervals in MORE CHURCHES, covering Revelation more often- which is safe to do (it IS the Word of God, lest I be mistaken) - and if you really love the people, you wont just be there to kiss a worldly wound with salvation, youll tell them the reality of Born-Again Christian life- its spiritual warfare for souls, one that will have a finale where our enemy gains, via earthly powers, some huge power over the world for a time before the Second Coming sees to its destruction. Its all there- but sitting mostly ignored, or well cross that bridge when we get to it- BY THEN ITS TOO LATE - draw your plan of action whilst you can- dont squander all that warning just because every seems peace-time! They will say peace-peace, but then calamity shall follow soon after When silence is adequately sustained long enough, then eventually people will see the secular world-view as more promising (believing theyll live to see the third millennium as a cyborg or something) - or continuing to believe like a child may, that the Second Coming is ANY DAY... it cant, because there si still MUCH in Revelation YET TO be fulfilled- and the worst is not yet come, so this lil speech has been written for a wake-up call. When we know the word and its Hebrew basis, then we better understand Gods plans. How many older and new Christians are in line for destruction because their ministers dont cover the hard-core topics more often? How many have just looked at Revelation, either with little understanding- or totally freaked by it, and their churches refuses to study into it and clarify??? And in such CLOSE AND HOT times today where some countries have been going at each others necks as though world war 3 were imminent- the people need to know whats PROBABLE to happen in the near future to ease nerves! Is such silence setting up churches for a major fall when it happens and people walk away because their leaders didnt bother to speak up? Will some take the Mark of the Beast, because no one bothered to clarify what the heck its real-world manifestation was?? Dont leave the peoples understanding to struggle on its own. It may even be apostasy in the church when all we focus on taking what we like from the bible to live by, but take no heed of the future- yes the morrow has issues of its own, but that is for the TOMORROW of our lives- prophetic events are years in advance, LEARN THEM NOW so youve a leg to stand on when it hits! Cowardice (biblically condemned to remain outside the gates of Heaven, also causes many to not want to know- this is lethal) PAY ATTENTION: In the class of life, dont end up like the virgins with no oil in their lamps who cant ever entered into the wedding feast- but remain outside the gates fo Heaven where there be weeping and a gnashing of teeth- BE PREPARED, not just for Second Coming, but being WELL ACQUAINTED with future events. Test the spirits and know what is truth from lies. Research and BACK it up with scripture- it aint hard if you stick to the parts of the bible that actually refer to the future, which is around 55% of it :P Before The coming of the Son of Man, as it were in the days of Noah, so it shall be again, for there is nothing new under the sun. ISAAC NEWTON- yea, the guy who found gravity after getting thonked on the head by it. He reckons he got a date (And thanks to the guy who told me about Newtons research). DONT TAKE HIS RESEARCH ON FACE VALUE JUST BECAUSE THE RESEARCH IS UNIQUE IN THAT HE PREDICTED A DATE THAT OUTLIVES HIMSELF (unlike modern theorists). TEST THE SPIRIT AND RESEARCH, AND GET KNOWLEDGE- dont be easily broken due to a lack of knowledge. 1) the day and hour of the second coming is unknown to ALL, save the Father. (Nothing in the Word of God negates that one cannot discern the period of time in which the Second Coming shall occur- and the year, or years around in which, the event shall occur, are not locked from this either- just the day and hour- but the bible hints with things like like a thief in the night) 2) the ONLY rational explanation for a DAY would be a JEWISH HIGH, HOLY DAY- like a holiday, or a religiously significant day thats also mark by celestial (cosmic) signs... (So dont count on being able to calculate the date on a pagan Gregorian or Augustinian calendar- it will only align with the LUNAR CALENDAR OF THE JEWS, the calendar upon which the SIX DAYS OF CREATION Were founded.) There be some good hints. Get to it ;) Anticipating our Kings return.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:32:43 +0000

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