Many are feeling uncomfortable with the energies coming in. The - TopicsExpress


Many are feeling uncomfortable with the energies coming in. The heart chakra is being opened to allow more light to be held within your body. In order to hold more light, the heart has to be emptied of all the gunk it holds. If you are feeling triggered, emotional pain, anger, sadness, even rage - it is a gift. It is showing you that there are things within that need to be healed and released. Often when we feel these extremely intense and difficult emotions, we take it out on others or ourselves (negative self talk). This doesnt work because people will give that emotional pain right back to us or we push it deeper within. If youve done this. STOP. Try these tips to transmute the energy you are feeling and get it out of your energy field. 1. Be honest, what is really hurting within you. Say it out loud to the universe and tell it that you will heal this aspect of self. Intent is really important. 2. Visualize breathing in beautiful golden light and exhaling dirty particles of negativity, pain, grief, anger. Do this until the knot in your chest subsides. 3. If the weather allows, go outside and put your bare feet on the ground. Visualize your pain, past traumas, etc going to the center of the earth to the core crystal, being changed and then that energy returning as pure unconditional love to you from the mother. 4. Take a hot detox bath. 1/2 cup Epsom salt, 1/2 cup of baking soda. If you have crystals, add them. Good ones are quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz crystal. Soak at least 40 minutes. This helps detox your body and clean your aura. 5. Write, write and write some more. Get all the emotions out no matter how ugly, raw, or painful. Get them out. Dont feel guilty if your thoughts are not nice, peaceful, or enlightened. We are all things, light and dark, honor them all as they helped to bring you to this point. 6. Talk out loud to your angels, guides, and higher self. Tell them what you need and believe that they will help you through the process. They wont erase the work needing done, but they can help a lot. 7. The most important step - be gentle with yourself. It is hard work getting deep into your hurt, examining it, and then pulling it apart piece by piece. Healing comes in layers so dont be surprised if you have to revisit issues many times to fully heal them. As your perception changes, you will be able to see things from different angles. Each angle needs acknowledgement and healing. Watch your perception - are these energies a gift or a burden? Much love to you ♥️💚💛💜💙
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:08:15 +0000

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