Many believe - and specifically Islamists Altnoiriun - we Ntgny on - TopicsExpress


Many believe - and specifically Islamists Altnoiriun - we Ntgny on Islam when we say that the religion of terrorists, terrorists began and continued terrorist and Sisal terrorists and terrorism will end. And then decided to search for the numbers do not lie and that is proof of the grim truth of Islam. **** All Islamic terrorism since 11/9/2001 to 16/11/2005 and (do not include the September 11 incident itself): Source: thereligionofpeace * Islamist terrorists around the 3272 terrorist attack, the death toll stood at the 18562, 39445 and wounded * Hit these processes a lot of countries including: Iraq 866 terrorist operation, India 565, Pakistan 197, Afghanistan 235, Algeria 169, Chechnya, 92, Russia 25, Thailand 133, Bangladesh 34, Saudi Arabia 26, Sudan 32, Lebanon 19, Israel 234, Nigeria 30, Indonesia 66, the Philippines 83, 7 Somalia, Yemen, 10, Jordan, 5, 16, Dagestan, Syria 5, 3 Balkans, Egypt 9, 7 Britain, France 4, United States 14, and finally Qatar terrorist operation one. * The death toll in a single year than the previous four years (4640 deaths / year) than all those killed in the Spanish Inquisition (between the 12th century and the 15th century: 350 years). * The number of dead on the day of September 11, 2001 than all those killed during 36 years of war in Northern Ireland, and exceeds the number of executions carried out in the United States in 65 years. * The number of dead at the hands of Islamic terrorism in one year than the number of dead at the hands of a group Alecoqlosclan racism in the United States in fifty years (between 1882 to 1968 AD) **** Screaming Muslims, this is not our Islam, and this category misguided but deviated from true Islam, Islam is peace. And unfortunately emphasize that Islam surrender and submit to God bloody trend Muhammad made to govern the Arabs, and the Arabs exploited to rule the world. History teaches us something else and that is Islam, and since its inception and is a bloody trend of whether or biography of the Koran. First Biography of the Prophet (Book Maghazi Oakadi): * The Prophet 78 or invasion of privacy through in only ten years is the period which began on Civil and immigration, at a rate of 8 invasions in the year, it did not pass a month and a half without an invasion or confidential. * Fought in the invasions of tens of Arab tribes, including the pagan (Quraish and Taif ..), or Christian (sons of Najran) or Jewish (Gueniha sons, the sons of Qurayza, Nadeer sons, and the sons of the Khyber). * Send the apostle several Brigades to kill and poets were Ahjohnh them: 1 - tirade girl Marwan of the Umayyad bin Zaid (Maghazi Oakadi c 1:00 173): Where he tells the source came to her Omair bin Uday in the middle of the night even entered her in her home, and around a group of her son slept them fed in the chest; Vgesha his hand and found the boy Venhah fed her, then put his sword on her chest until Onfzh of her back, and then came up with the Prophet prayed Fajr 2 - Abu Afak Sheikh offers 120 year (Maghazi c 1:00 175): Where he tells the source, so that was the night the summer slept Abu Afak courtyard in summer in Bani Amr Ibn Auf turned to Salem bin Omair, he put the sword on his liver until ÎÔ in bed and shouted the enemy of God Vthab the people who are saying Vadkhaloh his home and Cyproh 3 - Ibn Ashraf: a poet and was satirising the Prophet (c Maghazi 1:00 184) 4 - or cinnamon old lady (c Maghazi 2:00 565): Source tells where the kill bin Qais Mahsr killed violently; connecting strand between her legs, then the link between the Baerin a big old * And this is filled with details of the Prophets biography bloody ugly can not be with her, but disgust. Secondly, from the Koran: And The Koran came to pass, and there is nothing wrong, it was the period Meccan period tolerance temporarily with the infidel enemy, but events turned into a war and Jihad after the migration, when Muhammad succeeded in forming a gang of bandits to interrupt the caravan route to and from the Levant, and evolve these the gang to a small army, large and quickly impose a fait accompli on the rest of the tribes * At the beginning of the period of civil Mohammed suffered from a lack of volunteers for his gang, began stresses in Sura (one of the first civil fence) that God had written to Jews fighting, but they refused his order to Nasaaa, Focefhm oppressors Have you not seen Mullah of the Children of Israel after Moses when they said to a prophet them send us a king to fight in the way of Allah said you Asitm The books you fight not fought and said, we should not fight for the sake of God has brought us out of our homes and our children, and when he wrote them fighting assumed only a little bit of them, and God knows the oppressors (The Cow 246) * But because many of the Arbab ignorance were not at the level of a bloody god of Islam, and many of them refused to go out to fight, began to threaten the Quran that God severest torture and anything wrong and most formidable of the war and of the idolaters: Then fight in the cause of God, but do not cost yourself and rouse the Believers May God keeps a good God who disbelieve and more powerful and the severest torture (84 women) * Because the God of Islam, Muhammad, and they wanted an army of slaves fought without fear, came to the Koran to Mohammed confirms that it should incite the faithful to fight: O Prophet, rouse the Believers to the fight if not you will vanquish two hundred twenty Sabiroon albeit you will vanquish a hundred thousand of those who disbelieve, they will not understand (Anfal 65) And to confirm that the God of Islam has bought from the believers themselves, they became slaves to fuel the war and jihad Allah has bought from the believers themselves and their money that they are fighting a paradise in the way of Allah and kill and kill, except it really is in the Torah and the Bible and the Koran is fulfilled his covenant of God Fastbashroa Bouapekm which Baiatm it and it is a great win, (Repentance 111) * Quran and then come back and eases the threat of intimidation, and asserts that God wrote the fighting on the faithful, and he knows not what they teach, and that fighting is good for them Vliqatheloa: Books you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you, and God knows and you know not (The Cow 216) * Mohammed then sends a clear message of the Quran that those who are afraid of fighting more than the God of Islam are wrong-doers who prefer the pleasures of this world for the Hereafter Have you not seen those who were told they are no longer in your hands and keep up prayer and pay the poor when he wrote them fighting if the team were afraid people Kkhchih God or the most fear and said God had not started, we fight not for We chose to order nearby Say pleasures of this world a little, and the Hereafter is better for those fearing onward fuse (77 women) * And when it has been restored between the threat and intimidation and enticement in Paradise or bounties fractions and Caesar, and managed to convince Muhammad to express the fighting began to fight the infidels and polytheists: And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah, the God had finished the work, including the seer (Anfal 39) Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands and helps you heal them and heal the breasts of folk who are believers (Repentance 14) When you meet those who disbelieve smite the necks until Otkhantamohm Vhdoa bond if either of us after either redemption until the war ends (Muhammad 4) O ye who believe, who fought Iloncm of infidels and find harshness in you and know that God is with the righteous (Repentance 123) * God of Islam and delights result, The God of Islam loves fighting and dying as an offering for the deployment of more destruction God loves those who fight in the process described as if they were a solid cemented structure (Grade 4) * With the restoration of order, came the higher orders of new developments, the Grand Fasthalt months and which was expressed respect them, and refuse to bloodshed in which They ask you about the sacred month fight it Say a big fight (The Cow 217) When the sacred months Vaqtheloa infidels and where you found and take them and count them all and sit you Observatory if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor Fajloa released Allah is Forgiving, Merciful (Repentance 5) * Then the evolution of fighting to become a fun and zest became sadistic torture and dismemberment of steel and sides of the natures of Islam tolerant in early times. The punishment of those who fight Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief on earth to be killed or crucified or their hands and feet cut off from the otherwise (Table 33). * Finally, turning to the people of the book Muhammad did not surrender his sword from his hand and Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah and His Messenger, the campus does not condemn the religion of truth from those who were given the book until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued (Repentance 29). And have copied this verse all the verses of peace which was accepted (such as bees 125) and (6 unbelievers), and then Muhammad was practiced dissimulation and lying, and he harbored evil and hatred. The question now Is Islam differed in the past on the present? Is there anything that refers to any area of peace or the ability to co-exist with the other? No proof of that * In the past, Khalid Bin Al Waleed Saifullah Maslool, and in the present transformation Zarqawi to suicide bomb God. * In the past, Muslims fought Muslims as the Battle of the Camel in 656 AD, which fought on the (cousin of Muhammad) Aisha (Muhammads wife), and is currently fighting the Muslims of Muslims in Iraq, and earlier in Afghanistan, and as well as in Somalia. * In the past, Muslims consider everything that is outside the Dar al-Islam is the abode of war and jihad, and today do not find safe limits between the Islamic state and other non-Muslim, and there must of war or tension, between India and Muslim Pakistan on Kashmir, between Georgia and Muslim Azerbaijan, between Russia and Muslim Chechnya, between Ethiopia and Eritrea, Alsoadeneih between the government and the African tribes in Darfur, between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Moroccan Sahara Bakbaúlha, between the north and south of Nigeria, between Turkey and Greece, among different civilizations and Islam. Samuel has confirmed in writing Htnjton clash of civilizations, that Islam is characterized by bloody borders with other civilizations, and that in 1995 was approximately 96% of the terrorist groups in the whole world raise the slogan of Allahu Akbar. And since September 11, erupted cells locusts Muslim to kill indiscriminately, and bites without pity, and kill and Tjarj tens of thousands of innocent people from dozens of countries, and with every day loses Muslims any cover Leicester rougher religion ugly, it has turned out what was Meskuta him since 14 centuries, has shed light on the dark caves did not open since the days of Mohammed bin Abdullah, and came out the stench, the smell of millions of dead and rivers of blood. When will they declare the death of the religion of Islam, as Nizar Qabbani announced by the death of the Arabs?
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 20:09:01 +0000

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