Many believe that we should not have any beliefs or stories about - TopicsExpress


Many believe that we should not have any beliefs or stories about reality, as if beliefs and stories are the original sin or some kind of big enemy or problem that we must overcome and completely obliterate from our consciousness and perceptions at all cost. But they seem to be forgetting the fact that believing no one should have any beliefs or stories about reality, is itself a belief and story about it! And it needs to be asked if it is really possible to live a human life with no beliefs or stories whatsoever? Does anyone actually manage to live that way? Can anyone actually look honestly at their real, concrete experience and claim that they never have any beliefs or stories whatsoever? We do indeed eventually wear out our stories about reality, but we wear them out when we wear them out, and not before, just like a pair of shoes or a favorite pair of blue jeans! :) And when we wear out a story, is it replaced by another story, just like our old shoes and jeans? Isnt one aspect of our perception of life made up of a very fluid, ever changing stream of stories and beliefs about our experiences? Is it really possible to live with no story at all, ever? Perhaps healthiness and balance about our stories and beliefs is not found in clobbering them or killing them or denying them, but simply in recognizing their fluidity and how they just naturally seem to flow in and out of consciousness, how they come, stay for awhile and then go. It is just a question. I would just encourage us all to investigate and see what we discover in our actual experience of stories and beliefs.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:31:43 +0000

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