Many believers have been taught that this verse deals with bind- - TopicsExpress


Many believers have been taught that this verse deals with bind- ing and loosing demonic spirits. It has nothing to do with demons. Jesus is using Kingdom language. To “bind” means to lock up or pro- hibit; to “loose” means to unlock or permit. On earth we have dominion authority. Jesus is saying that what we prohibit on earth, heaven will prohibit, and what we permit on earth, Heaven will per- mit. Consider the implications of this. Whatever we allow in socie- ty, Heaven will not stop, and whatever we disallow in society, Heaven will make sure it does not happen. Do you understand how serious this is? The management of the earth is totally up to us. We are responsible for the evil, ills, and suf- fering in our world. These things are reflections of the nature and quality of our management. That is why God needs us to pray. He cannot interfere on earth unless we release Him to do so because He has given us sovereignty here. When we do, Heaven invades our territory on our behalf.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 04:21:02 +0000

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