Many call me negative and hate hearing about what I speak of But - TopicsExpress


Many call me negative and hate hearing about what I speak of But what about the things you allow being broadcast all over the world?What is positive about the music on the radio and what the record stores sale like when they sing about Jeffery Dalmer the cannibal who will eat your heart out?And didnt Jeffery first learn about these things through a scientist who cut things open to look inside a animal and a human being like what teach in HIGH? schools,How does it teach your children about morals especially when we dont teach about the poison they put in our food and water that gives them a reason to cut us open?,Did you ever think about that?How about the shows your children watch on tv like Disney where you believe it is all innocent?Did you ever sit down and think if that child understands what he is watching or if he or she dont but just picks up the behavior that it sends out ?And how will we have a better future when everyone is to busy competing with each other of who has more?Isnt that one of the main things they teach in school is competition?How do you considered that caring for others if everyone is to busy trying to make someone jealous?And isnt competition about war?But yet Anonymous spread stop the war games while they still hold onto lust?The perfect storm and not hearing the message it sends out and than you turn on the news it all about killing legally and illegal.The government is creating copies of sociopaths which are actors and actresses who sway you into becoming a heartless person and not focus on what should matter the most,Their main focus is calling evil good and making people who really do care appear crazy to admire the sociopaths who roll their eyes and say whatever and make you focus on what they have and not what is right.. .Many even pat sales people on the back like if they do good in the world?? In order to be a good Sales person you have to be a really good liar that is how they sale the products and they do not care if it feeds you poison or puts you in debt,All they care about the 1 and 0s and when some people start to notice they are corrupt they will hand out donations once in awhile to make others fall back to sleep and say nah they are not evil they care ????When really all they care about is how they appear to others not what is best for others,Just like these Expensive lawyers who will lie like hell for his client to get away with murder and a judge that is getting paid big time to help provide what is best for his wallet and not what is best for we the people, Which shows they are joined in on secret that is apart of Freemasonry to worship the system of Lucifer and protect what is evil and make others believe they are like Gods to control others people lives saying who can live in peace and who can live in hell and discredit anyone who exposes them and make sure their people suffer more,The system is the devil because their goal is to have power over others and make their self appear much higher than someone else which trying to play God and kill the innocence in you that you once had,So your soul become theres and you become their prisoners and Do you not see how mess up this video is?You bow down to the soldiers who create a war so they can build more chaos that makes more people go hungry and destroy their homes to build a prison but keep the sick perverted music free and alive?that blinds you to the poison they feed you all for money and power....I like this song but these pictures gave the words a bad name. https://youtube/watch?v=HYWG_DByVq0
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 15:17:20 +0000

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