Many do not believe the Lords Church to be important . Many say - TopicsExpress


Many do not believe the Lords Church to be important . Many say they want and can just receive Jesus without being in His Church . Some things to consider and as always let us search Gods Word to see if Christ did put importance on His Church. ( 1) In Acts 2 , are the first Converts to Christianity. The very first Christians. Acts 2:47 , they were added to the Church by the Lord after they obeyed the Gospel . If the Church is not important , then why did Christ add people to the Church ? ( 2) For the next generation to receive the Gospel of Christ by obedience For them to be taught the Word of God from the present generation , how are they going to be taught and presented the COMPLETE WORD of God. By the Lords Church . He commissioned it in Matt. 28:18-20 and His Body ( His Church ) must do it . Question , if He wants His Church to perform it , then wouldnt He want People in His Church. Yes He does believe His Church is important and people must be in His Body ( Eph. 4:4). ( 3 ) Rom. 6:3, tells us about those baptized into Christ . Look at Rom. 6:4, it talks about how we should walk in newness of life . Who is to ? Us, the Church. We have been added to His body , His Church that He died for and purchased . ( 4) I Cor. 3:21-23 , talks about those who are Christs . Who is that ? His Church . In Christ alone. again, who ? His Church . (5) Romans 2:1-8 . Look down in verse 7 and 8 . You see about hose who do not obey the truth . What do we learn from this whole context ? Those who obey Christ belong to Christ. Question. Who belongs to Christ ? His Church . His Church is important . It is not a afterthought . To be in Him, you must be in His Church that He established and built . To receive Jesus and to believe Him, You MUST also believe that He taught the importance of His Church and He does require people to be in it to be saved from sin . Not my opinion , but from Christ s Word itself . Without the Body you will die spiritually . Without being in the Body, you will die eternally . Yes His Church is important .
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 00:23:32 +0000

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