Many do not under stand the power of pepper spray. In most cases - TopicsExpress


Many do not under stand the power of pepper spray. In most cases guns have been the overall choice for a persons protection. Let me give some insight. First, people may not be aware of the hidden truths about fire arms and here is a few: You cannot shoot some one because you get into a fist fight. That is right!! You can and will be arrested for excessive force or unlawful use of a fire arm this includes: ( excessive force, attempted murder, and even murder). You cannot shoot a person because you get slapped in the face and embarrassed by your girl friend or buddies. Two: It would be a very bad idea to wrestle with a loaded fire arm. Statistics have shown 65% of law enforcement officers have been killed with their own guns. That is right! In other words the bad guy did not have a gun. He took the officers and killed him with it ( law enforcement has more training in this area than citizens). You cannot point guns at people in your anger either. Lastly, if you do shoot a gun, you will be responsible for where the bullet goes. Yes!! That is right. What do I mean? If some innocent person is hurt by your negligence, you are responsible for it. That means you can be sued civilly for that and it can cost you alot ( time, money, headaches). Also, the bad guy you shot will turn around and sue you as well if you ate you justified and proven in court that you legally defended yourself. Fire arms are good and at times needed. But, if you are going to carry a gun one will need a non lethal option as well and not just a fire arm. Pepper spray is one of the most effective non lethal options on the market. I know. As a consultant I seriously tell people to have more than just a gun. Decisions last a lifetime. And Whatcom do cannot be taken back. Guns are good but wisdom is so much better. In this video, it will be clear how effective pepper spray is. When we know better. We CAN do better. Learn Grow and Prosper.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 23:20:29 +0000

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