Many dont know the details of what Babylon Animal Hospital did to - TopicsExpress


Many dont know the details of what Babylon Animal Hospital did to my dog. My story is below. Please forward to anyone in the Lindenhurst area. I have contacted news agencies in hopes just one would pick it up. I want to avoid these savages from doing harm to your pet as well as others. Feel free to share as much as you like. Thanks in advance! Vinny My name is Vince Vaccaro and I am contacting you regarding a terrible tragedy that happened to my Yorkie (Nugget) while in the care of Babylon Animal Hospital in Lindenhurst. On Monday 03/24/14 I was home and Nugget was fine. I noticed she was breathing slightly different so I already had an apt with the vet for my mothers dog for 6p.m. so I decided to bring Nugget along to get her checked out. Mind you my dog was perfect all day even climbed 13 stairs and played with my other dog the same day. There was nothing for me to be alarmed about. As a precaution I took her to the vet to be sure all was ok. I arrive at the vet at 6pm on the March 24th. We were brought into the exam room at about 6:30. The placed Nugget on the table checked her temp and weight and all was ok. They said the Dr. will be in shortly. Nugget sat on my lap with no issues while we waited. The Dr. came Dr. Andrew Lopez and said he did not like the way she was breathing so he wanted to do a chest x-ray to see what is going on. I handed my dog to the Dr. with no worries. In about 10 minutes the Dr. returned and said I have terrible news your dog has an enlarged heart and also went into cardiac arrest. I immediately screamed in horror as my dog was playing only 1 hr ago. He said we revived her but we don’t think she will make it. I demanded to see my beloved pet. They walked me to the back and there she was in a incubator breathing heavily but alert. She was moving around the incubator with an iv in her little paw. I looked in disbelief I struggled to look and understand how my dog could go from playing an hr. ago to this. They showed me the x-ray that did show she had an enlarged heart. They said they gave her a drug Lasix that will remove the fluid from her lung so she can breath again. Here is where the story turns real tragic. They told me she needs 24hr care at an emergency clinic and they are closing soon. The nearest one is 20 minutes away. I told them there is no way I would make it there with the dog in this condition. I begged Dr.Lopez & Dr. Biedermann to stay open as Nugget was in the incubator breathing well and maybe in a few hrs. she would be stable enough for me to move her and make the 20 min trip to the 24hr vet. He stayed opened till 8:15p.m. and said we have to leave. To my disbelief they opened the incubator and removed her from her IV and at that time i knew i had no choice but to remove Nugget immediately. I picked up Nugget and raced to the door to try to make the 20 min trip. I ran out the front door but by the time I fastened my seat belt she died in my arms. I ran back to the front door with my limp dog in hands and it was locked. I banged on it and the opened and rushed her to the back to try to revive her but it was to late my little baby was gone. I just can not understand how a vet could force me to leave with such a sick animal. They treated my dog as if she were a rag doll. They even had to nerve to charge me an additional $300 for them trying to revive her after they took her out of the incubator and sent me on my way. Money was never the issue. I don’t have children and Nugget was the closest to me having a child. I have been struggling with this. I call the Dr Lopez yesterday and asked him why he could not stay for a few hrs. longer as my dog was getting better and desperately needed to be kept in the incubator longer. His answer was we all have lives and had to go home at home. Now I am trying to cope with the lost of my little baby. I am reaching out to you to avoid this nightmare from happening to anyone else. My dog was playing Monday afternoon and now I am waiting for a box of her ashes. Just why could the animal hospital not stay open for my sick baby rather than throw me to the streets. My dog suffered and did not deserve this. She needed to stay put in the incubator maybe just a few more hours. I visited there website and there motto says they treat your pet like there own. Really?? I visited several vets that said they would not allow the dog to leave until the dog was stabilized. I would love to talk to someone and explain more of the details as my pet suffered a tragic death at the hands of these uncivilized vets in whom you are supposed to trust. Sincerely, Vince Vaccaro 631-275-5396
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 02:52:18 +0000

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