Many factors, both extrinsic and intrinsic, cause the skin to age, - TopicsExpress


Many factors, both extrinsic and intrinsic, cause the skin to age, diminishing our youthful appearance. One of the main factors is the loss of collagen as we grow. Natural collagen loss coupled with exposure to harsh environmental stressors expedites skin aging. External factors include polluted air, ultra-violet rays, stressful lifestyles, chemical toxins and chemical substances in make-up. Now with MAIONE Youth Original Essence, you have the solution to help restore collagen loss to maintain skin’s elasticity for long-lasting youthful beauty. Saving in money value with a bottle of MAIONE Youth Essence to replaces toner, eye cream, day & night cream and essence. Indeed an affordable product as a gift to your wife or girlfriend. 4 therapy process: . Stimulate regenerate skin cell . Detoxification . Repair . Transform 3-5 bottles of MAIONE can revert youth 3-5 years. Time reversing, retains youth! Initial using MAIONE “stickiness” will happen due to one layer protection net is for at the outer layer of the skin for more effective absorption. (The more elderly skin the stickiness will be more) This is due to highly losing collagen level at elderly age. Within 5-7 days skin cell will be activate and stickiness eventually disappear. 8-10days detoxification takes place and you will yellowish, blackhead, aches appear. This happens commonly to most skin types. Detoxification will last for 2-3days or sometimes even longer. 女人保养就老样子,不保养就样子老。 市场上推出漫妮 ~青春定格原液,解决你所有皮肤烦恼。已经很多人见证了它的效果。在“女人我最大”的节目中也获主持人大力推荐。有了漫妮青春定格液,你无须再买爽肤水,日/夜霜,眼霜和精华液。省下的钱还可买件漂亮的衣服慰劳自己。女朋友或老婆生日快到了?想不到买什么礼物?考虑漫妮吧!拥有漂亮的另一半,绝对是您的骄傲!一瓶漫妮,让你逆转时光,永驻童颜。绝对是你正确的选择。使用漫妮有5大功效: 。 去除黑眼圈,眼袋 = 漫泥青春定格原液可促进血液循环,淡化因疲劳而形成的眼袋。 。 抚平皱纹 = 漫泥青春定格原液可直接渗透真皮层,促进真皮层胶原蛋白及弹力纤维的增长,修复断裂受损的纤维组织,抚平幼纹及细小皱纹。 。 补水亮肤 = 新成代谢缓慢,老化角质无力自然脱落导致皮肤暗淡无光,晦暗粗糙。漫泥青春定格原液能有效防止皮肤水分蒸发,增强皮肤锁水能力,让肌肤水嫩光泽。 。 淡化色斑,修复痘印 = 漫泥青春定格原液的有效成分,可预防酪氨酸酶的活性,控制黑色素生成,帮助色素排出,使日晒后出现的黑斑迅速淡化,并修复受损组织。 。挺拔乳房 = 漫泥青春定格原液可激发结缔组织胶原蛋白于弹力蛋白的再生,使松弛的组织紧实,撑托下垂的乳房,使乳房挺拔,丰满,富有弹性。 心动不如行动! 赶快预购,PM or wechat 9142 8195
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 00:25:03 +0000

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