Many have asked how can you help... I know this is random but I - TopicsExpress


Many have asked how can you help... I know this is random but I reached out to The View and several national ABC news channels last night ... if you all have time go to The Views facebook page and the post should be on the left side of the screen ... if you all could comment on it that could draw attention to it ... doesnt hurt to try ... thank you!!! Ill post link that should get you right to the comments... my post to look for on The VIEWS fb site: Hello ... we are looking for help in Pennsylvania ... media coverage to get our message across. I am a Mom of an 11 year old little girl, Hannah Pallas, who suffers from severe intractable epilepsy. Hannah has nearly 100 tonic clonic seizures a week. November, 2013 I was told that she was essentially out of viable treatment options. I have been advocating for the legalization of medical cannabis in Pennsylvania since August, 2013. I along with other several Moms formed an organization, Campaign for Compassion. We are a Pennsylvania based community resource with the goal to educate the general public as to the positive effects of the often misunderstood form of cannabis treatment. We have been advocating along with Senator Daylin Leach and Senator Mike Folmer for the passage of Senate Bill 1182 in Pennsylvania. These Senators which we deem as our heroes have created this bipartisan ship bill. We have been told this is a model bill for the legalization of medical cannabis in the country. We have worked tirelessly for the passage of SB1182. We are so close ... Although we are a group of Moms whose children all have some form of severe intractable epilepsy, we have not waivered from supporting all of those who are in desperate need of this life saving medicine. The progress that has been made in Pennsylvania by this grass roots organization along with the support of many others is unprecedented. Next week SB1182 will be voted on in the Senate and will move to the House. We would love to share our story and shed light to the country what is happening in Pennsylvania in hopes that other states will follow and ultimately we will get this bill passed! House Leadership must act NOW ... our precious children cannot wait another year for this bill to pass. The following links are to 2 videos I created that depict the struggles our children face on a daily basis. I must warn you they are difficult to watch. Many people through the country use these videos to educate legislators and other on the importance of medical cannabis. Videos: https://youtube/watch?v=6Cxi4UxmG7E https://youtube/watch?v=97uhkI5IVaw Please consider allowing us to share our story on THE VIEW. We believe it will help us in our battle tremendously in Pennsylvania as we are so close ... and we are not getting great resistance from several key leadership members. Our children are running out of time ... we are confident you all could help! Thank you for your consideration - Please feel free to contact me anytime - Heather Shuker Mom to Hannah Facebook: H2forMMJ Our Website:campaign4compassion/ hcrcllc@gmail
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:20:52 +0000

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