Many have been asking about our little Miss H and what the H - TopicsExpress


Many have been asking about our little Miss H and what the H stands for. Well, we cannot post her name or picture online until we pass court in Ethiopia and she is ours but her birth name starts with an H and we are keeping it. Her name is part of her, it is beautiful and it means life. Just as we kept Fetinets name but gave him a middle name, we will do the same with H. We could choose our favorite name but the thing is there is only one name possible for our girl. This name is the name Jalen told me his sisters name would be a year ago. He told me back then she would be 4 and go to his school and her name would be Ellapy. We laughed back then and I questioned him daily on was is Penelope? or Vanelope from Wreck It Ralph? or Ella P? But he was adamant, it was Ellapy, one word, not short for something and spelled this way. We joked that wed have to name her that or put Jalen in counseling but didnt really think we would but a year went by and Jalen didnt let up. The name Ellapy has been mentioned over the last year so much that no other name could even compare now! The meaning behind it is that our daughter will know her big brother named her and thought about her and loved her and prayed for her as Ellapy, before he saw her face and truly now seeing her face it really fits! So when were able well show you her face and tell you her full name but for now she is H or Ellapy :)
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 03:25:58 +0000

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