Many have called today since early this morning to discuss the - TopicsExpress


Many have called today since early this morning to discuss the election with me particularly in Maryland. I have done some research today give an analysis of what happened in Maryland and why Larry Hogan won. Midterm elections are particularly rough for Democrats. This midterm was even more rough because of the national trends taking place. The midterms are rough for Democrats because of the Demographic groups needed for Democrats to be successful. Minorities and young people are big Demographic groups that are important for Democrats. These Demographic groups are notorious for staying home during midterm or non presidential elections. This election was White and Male. Those two Demographic groups are not blindly loyal to the Democratic party. They vote their interests. I believe the most important factor in the loss was voter turnout. In Prince Georges County where Lieutenant Governor Brown lives, only 38 percent of registered voters voted. That should have been at least 55 percent or more. This was Prince Georges Countys time to get a Governor from her jurisdiction. In Maryland, the Governor sits on the powerful Board of Public Works that determines funding for school construction and other fiscal issues. Prince Georges County missed out on an incredible opportunity to have the Governor come from her jurisdiction. Surprisingly Montgomery had record low turnout and Baltimore City did as well. In addition, In Baltimore City Hogan got almost 25 percent of the vote. That is really good for a Republican. The Campaign strategy was questionable throughout the general. The campaign plan worked well in the primary. I think inexperience hurt them in the general. The national Anti Obama/incumbent feeling by many in certain demographics existed in Maryland. I think it caught the campaign off guard. One example of the inexperience is deciding to primarily call Prince Georges voters instead of knocking on doors and pulling people to the polls. I was taught ole school in Newark-Ben would be turning over in his grave. One last thing for young campaigners reading this Never run the campaign like have you already won what you are running for. Campaign staff have a tendency to do that especially when they win big primaries. Btw big shout out to the best Minister outreach coordinator in the State Rev. Christopher J. Tobias from the great Reid Temple AME Church. Ken Ulman could not carry Howard County. He is the County Executive there. How did that happen??? That means that Ulman did not have an organization and he depended on the Democratic party ticket in Howard County. The State Democratic Party has no grass roots arm. They have no connection to the grassroots and grasstops people or organizations around the state. Hogan had a great single message that people understood clearly. His campaign told voters that Brown is an extension of OMalley who raised taxes on everything. Therefore the demographic that cared said to themselves, Brown is going to continue that practice. That message resonated.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 01:39:43 +0000

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