Many have condemned and rebuked the luo nation for the public - TopicsExpress


Many have condemned and rebuked the luo nation for the public disagreement we had with speakers at Fidels funeral. Its goes further to confirm what have always said that you cannot rebuke a people if you dont understand how they operate. The mourners were right, did nothing wrong and if anyone was unhappy they should excuse us. We were mourning and you had no business coming to address us with your hypocrisy. KalonzoMusyoka got it right and summarised the luo as intolerant to injustices and if you are part of any injustice dont expect the luo people to welcome you. About the CS Ngilu she had no business pretending to be a a friend on a funeral when she left when needed most and she has been involved in alot of corruption while at it. CS Raychelle Omamo is the only Luo in the cabinet and by small mind thinking, she represent the luo, bondo is her home and you expect her to talk to her people and they would welcome her as a daughter. How was she expecting welcome when she adopts an elitist tone , poor understanding of the Luo language and a deminure of fear and incompetence. Uhuru speech was not rejected, its the messenger who was. In any case people should come to a funeral to condole not exepect to give speeches as some are complaining here of not being given a chance to vomit hypocricy at Bondo . Please give us time to sweap Fidels grave
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 05:10:31 +0000

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