Many have heard that our newest granddaughter, Zoe Hope, was born - TopicsExpress


Many have heard that our newest granddaughter, Zoe Hope, was born Tuesday morning to our daughter Su and hubby Drew. Su is fine after a typical hard but uncomplicated first delivery. Zoe however was born in critical condition, totally unexpectedly, and was transferred to Lurie Childrens hospital in downtown Chicago. We treasure each moment we have her with us, understanding there may not be many of them. Our family is essentially on vigil in the NICU at Childrens. Complete diagnosis is unconfirmed unless she becomes stable enough for more detailed assessments, but she was born swollen and not breathing with a difficult resuscitation response and is on life support. She has had a hard 36 hours of life here so far. Thank you all for your care and prayers for Gods will regarding Zoes survival and future health, and for Drew and Su in this unanticipated heartbreak and disappointment. We are grateful for a wise Great Physician and mender of broken hearts. And for a kind and sympathetic medical staff who are providing all the resources they know to be at their disposal.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 23:54:14 +0000

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