Many have misunderstood, misinterpreted this particular passage of - TopicsExpress


Many have misunderstood, misinterpreted this particular passage of scripture found in the book of (proverbs ch 31). A man that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favour from GOD! When the doctrine says.... A man that finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtain favour from GOD, it is encouraging men to seek the presence of GOD, the Spirit of Truth in a woman, instead of outer appearance, and tangible things only! GOD wants men to be led by HIS Spirit to that woman. This is all that scripture means. Now, many false prophets have added their own words to this passage, and said, GOD dont want women to ask men out, but, GOD never said that, NOT even in this scripture! HE was just specifically encouraging the men at that time on how to identify, and distinguish the difference between a woman of GOD from a woman of the world. Nothing more, nothing less! Actually, in the book of (Luke 12:31) GOD Himself says... Seek ye the kingdom of GOD, and ALL these things shall be added unto you! Lets break this down. When GOD says seek HIS kingdom, HE means for us to seek HIS presence in everything we go after. Seek HIS Spirit of Truth in ALL situations, whether relationships, jobs, etc. The kingdom of GOD includes men and women of GOD too! GOD Himself says In the book of (Matthew 7:7-8 KJV) Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. HE is talking to ALL who worship HIM, and HE is talking about ALL good things HE created for us to have in abundance. A woman was created to complete mankind. We are mans help meet. This means we are suppose to help them out as ordained by GOD. With that being said, some men are shy, or maybe even weak in Faith. You asking HIM out is perfectly alright with GOD. So many false prophets have women believing they should NOT be working, they should not be preaching, they should NOT seek anything, just wait and take orders like an animal. The virtuous wife profile described in the book of proverbs was nothing like that. She was one who helped her husband in every, self esteem, most important, spiritually! She was such a go getter, and helped complete that man so much that other men envied her husband according to the scriptures! This doesnt sound like a woman who was just sitting around waiting! This was a woman who received her Okay from GOD, and stepped out in Faith! In being the help meet to a man, sometimes, you need to be the one to encourage him, ask him first. I know many married couples who got together by the woman asking him out first. They are some of the best examples of godly marriages you could have, creating children in loving, GOD fearing homes, and GOD is pleased with that! So, dont be deceived into thinking you cant seek a man of GOD just because youre a woman. As long as you do it the way GOD says, which is to seek HIS presence and connect with the spirit of GOD in that man, then it is alright. Many women will miss their husbands by not doing their part in foot stepping, and asking. GOD says...HE will guide our footsteps, but in order for HIM to do this, we must first move our feet! HE said, if we speak to the mountains in Faith, they must move out of our way, but we must say the words! WE includes both men and women of GOD! It is NOT a one sided thing. No where will you ever find in scriptures that GOD condemns a woman for pursuing a man after GODS own heart!!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:37:44 +0000

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