Many ladies say that good men no longer exist on Earth! But is - TopicsExpress


Many ladies say that good men no longer exist on Earth! But is true really? Find out by reading this short article. GOOD MEN STILL EXIST Three days ago I made post here which was asking Ladies to tell us “What They Really WANT” as far as relationships are concerned. A few of them commented and they told us what they want but the majority of them failed. I don’t know why. Maybe they don’t know what they really want, there’s nothing that they want (they just go in for anything) or maybe they lacked self-confidence to express them out. Majority of them just commented saying that such a type of man I described does not exit. But to be honest with you ladies, such types of men exist and they are very many. They are within your vicinity, but they are very hard to find or identify. Actually some of those men are single and they are looking for a lady like you. But since you have that belief that they don’t exist and those who exist are the same like the bad ones you have ever met, it hinders you from finding them. They come to you but you ignore them and you accept the bad guys. You take them for granted. You friend zone them. You don’t give them a chance to prove their love to you. You completely have a negative attitude towards them and that turns them off. They then dump you and move in with your fellows. Then after a while, you hear that they got married, they got kids and they are living a happy life. You are left wishing, regretting, wondering how it happened and asking yourself questions why it didnt happen to you. It was going to happen to you but you misused your chance with your negative beliefs and attitude. All in all, ladies; good, caring and loving guys like the ones I explained in that post are in existence. They are on Earth, not on Jupiter or Mars. They are at your Work place, your University, your Home area, your Town, your Country and on Social networks. They won’t come to you with labels on them for you to identify them. They are like any other guy you have ever been with and they use the same words. All you got to do is to pay attention and be careful. Otherwise, stop friend-zoning them. Make yourself available and be approachable.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:07:15 +0000

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