“Many modern muslims today are not even willing to listen to - TopicsExpress


“Many modern muslims today are not even willing to listen to naseeha and when they are told not do such and such sin, they say in response “ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME”. Tthis one of the greatest fitnah of the kuffaar that is injected in the muslims of today. If you are wanting to listen to naseeha then quite frankly you dont know even a jot or tittle about our deen Because deen is about Naseeha and no sahabi ever said “ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME”. A Good muslim is the one that says Labbaik to commands of Allah and his messenger sal Allahu aleyhi wasallam. To obey quran and sunnah are the rights of Allah and his messenger s.a.w. Rejecting or turning away from it can result in total destruction of Dunya and Akhira. So my brothers and sisters do not let Shaytaan or kuffaar decieve you. Be open for correction and do not turn away from naseeha. “The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong”. Its apart of our emaan while we know we are sinful its apart of our emaan to “enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong”. If im sinful and if you correct me then I will stop (inshallah) and if your sinful and I correct you you will stop. So we help eachother get rid of sins but if I tell you Wallah your sinful like me so dont talk to me and he tells me the same thing! What are we going to do? Remain in sin AND NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO STOP ANYTHING! So think next time your brother/sister gives you advice, think and ponder upon his actions and intentions before you speak. To “enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong” is apart of our deen please don’t be just another person who throws out the fatwa of “only God can judge me” which is true. However if your doing something wrong which goes against the teachings of Islam and someone sees that and tries to give you advice listen and try to put into action..” A naseeha frm Brother moeyhashy.. consider thoughtfully :)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:42:11 +0000

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